Pt 1 Triplets Without Parents After Dad Kills Mom Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Pt  1  Triplets Without Parents After Dad Kills Mom   Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Three beautiful children are without a mother after their dad killed her during their divorce. Now, one of the children tells Crime Watch Daily’s Michelle Sigona why these wounds will never heal for him and his siblings.


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32 thoughts on “Pt 1 Triplets Without Parents After Dad Kills Mom Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. Women, Women, Women if you plan on leaving these sick men , Don’t tell them your Plan, Don’t tell them you going to divorce them keep it to yourselves, and just leave when they are Not around. Then divorce them! You empower yourselves by being quite and moving on. Don’t even let your family know your plans, Just get OUT! I did this my self and my husband knew nothing, my children knew nothing, my family knew nothing, I just Got Out and was on my own with my daughter and got my divorce, and I am still alive to tell my story and to encourage other women to stop telling all your business to these sick bastards. Just Do It!!!!! Stay alive women, Stay Alive!

  2. An unattractive loser with a speech impediment, but is a good provider.
    Here we go again. Another woman who wants to be taken care of. 🙄
    Why can't these women just work and take care of themselves? And if you can't take care of yourself, don't have children! My God! Unreal.

  3. If you feel sorry for him. If you feel you have to take care of him or he will fall apart without you….RUN. RUN, RUN, RUN.

    Poor lady, she knew she was a self described codependent and enabler. She felt sorry for him- and he turned on her like a snake. Because thats what narcissist do. They activate your most empathic feelings but have zero empathy for you.

  4. So many people say "these are repeats". Not for many of us. I have to work all day. My husband works 3rd shift at an airlines. I also have 3 boys. Anyway this is heartbreaking

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