Pt. 1: Home Invasion Raises Suspicions About Daughter – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Pt. 1: Home Invasion Raises Suspicions About Daughter – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Her mother was murdered and father nearly died in an alleged home invasion. How she reacted afterward raised suspicions about her involvement in the incident. Crime Watch Daily’s Ana Garcia has the story.

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44 thoughts on “Pt. 1: Home Invasion Raises Suspicions About Daughter – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. Jennifer pans father is not innocent. You have straight up abuse. Jennifer was so awkward. The way the got her to confess was bullshit. LOL if cops tried that on me I wouldve told them to go fuck themseleves.

  2. It might be an inside job but don’t point fingers just yet. Why is she automatically a suspect just because she survived? They might have shot and missed her because it was dark or they just decided not to kill her. Intruders aren’t bright.

  3. Why is true crime telling the story they claim she told differently from what she said in the interrogation? The money they "stole" was from waitressing, not teaching. What she claimed drew her to the hallway wasn't footsteps, it was voices.

  4. I had to cut all ties with my 19 year old daughter…she's had me beat up by the biggest boy she could find…I had just found out i was dying…i was 80 lbs and very sick…just because i took her cell phone for punishment…only he was trying to kill me cause she convinced him that i used her phone to make a porn video of her from the neck down…that i warned her to make…she shared it with someone on fakebook…it went viral and she said i did it…i didn't know shit about social a single mom…i worked 2 to 3 jobs…long story short…i held the ole boy off in a fit of rage with a dagger i kept by my bed…she was 16…though there were plenty of witnesses and marks on me …cops wouldn't arrest them…at 19…3 weeks ago she had a new bf beat me up and still no arrests…though again…i was covered in bruises and a black eye…thanx to corrupt police…i don't go anywhere without a weapon

  5. lol, I see all these comments saying “of course, a black man” or something related to that. It’s not anyone’s fault they decided to do that, so calm yourself.

  6. How cruel can you be to kill your own parents?! It doesn’t matter how strict they are it’s not like their beating you up! Don’t like the path they keep making you take than just talk to them and let them know you want to achieve your own goals not theirs. Smh now your spending your life behind bar with regrets and no one to love you hope your happy now that you have nothing

  7. Why is it, if a white person or even Asian makes up a crime, they always describe the fictional perpetrator as black.
    Every fucking time it seem.
    If I was going to report a fictional criminal, I'd say he was white. It seems that would be more believable.

  8. 1, I know the difference between my parents footsteps easily. It's not that hard. 2, most teens keep their phone in their back pockets so it's not surprising she was able to dial 911. You can always ask siri to call 911 or similar commands on any smartphone. How the fuck is that so hard to comprehend?

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