Pt. 1- Behind the scenes- Sherif’s Dept. cracks down on alleged sex predators

Pt. 1- Behind the scenes- Sherif’s Dept. cracks down on alleged sex predators

The Jasper County, Georgia Sheriff’s Office invites Crime Watch Daily along on a crackdown targeting alleged sex predators in the jurisdiction.


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42 thoughts on “Pt. 1- Behind the scenes- Sherif’s Dept. cracks down on alleged sex predators

  1. choked when mentioned decoy identity secret. HAHA

    sheriff department was introduced. location and other members in the facility.

    decoy – red hair 20 years old (5 years ago)

    anyone saw this can immediately identify her if they want lmao.

  2. If guys lie about their age to play younger but girl online is lying saying she's thirteen but really twenty and baiting dude.. isn't that bad or what😂

  3. I’m 12, they’re making the decoy so obviously not a teen I wear a full face everyday in sometimes stylish clothes and don’t say all of that stereotypical slang ☠️

  4. This is easily one of the strangest, most mentally disturbed predators they’ve ever caught (which is saying a lot) and even he is questioning who the hell says “super” every other word 😂

  5. This police department must be thrilled to have something to do in an area which is normally dead. No wonder they put so much time into staging the house etc.

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