Rachel Lee, Blancey Lee, and Porsha Lee (also known as “Mary Marks”) tried to scam Bend, Oregon man Ralph Raines Jr. out of his entire inheritance. Raines Jr. inherited his late father’s $15 million fortune. Raines Jr. became good friends with psychic Rachel Lee after going to her for love advice. He went on to hire Rachel Lee as his bookkeeper after she told him that his current financial managers were no good. Rachel Lee also told him that he would meet his future love at the airport, where he met a woman who he thought was named Mary Marks. He went on to marry her, and the scam continued. Mary Marks turned out to be Rachel Lee’s daughter Porsha, and Blancey turned out to be Rachel Lee’s boyfriend.
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Steal 15m and do 8 years 3yrs, and 1.5year's what a joke
Feel so sad for him 😢
Wow this man was extremely naïve!
Don't appreciate fool in the name of being good. Feeling bad for him but the world is not for good people.
This is sad
It’s a surprise he’s even in business
I heard this on Ray William Johnson. It was shocking.
Deport her back to where she came from
He was happy tho….. And I'm sorry
How does anyone get fooled by Gypsies? Plus it's so obvious, I can smell these pranksters from a MILE away.
thats insane finding out your mom went to jail and was British #leeboys #mixboys
Ralph was an idiot.
Are they gypsies?
Come on. You guys really believe he thought that was his child and they never had sex? This is a man who’s been around quite some time he’s no idiot. Either they had sex, or he knew that wasn’t his kid.
He had sex with her… probably knew that wasn’t his kid though
He is so stupid
This about to make a good ass show on Netflix
How long did she wear that dusty wig?
It’s a cold world out there!🥶
So He never had a sexual relationship for 10 years with his wife?….if that is true…I think deep down in his heart he knew something isn't right
Just Horrible!!
these types of people deserve brutal consequences, where is Ralph's family… a pity he had no one in his family could stand up and help him to catch out these low life losers and show them no mercy!!
She scammed me!!!!
So I have thought to myself if I were to do that, I would never be that dumb right I would know that there is possibly cameras , so I would be caught
So it’s like why bother even doing something like that. You know why not just get a job like the average person does.
So yeah. So there’s a lot of things that people have done. That was bad that I could easily have said well I would do that and then, but I would be better criminal. I would use more brains first then I would my ass you know.
But holy fuck man I can’t even grasp this type of crime like this is not like the average scam not like buddy or ma’am, on the other end on an online dating site asking for money no
This is different because he met this person so he thought he can trust this person because he actually met her and her family so that’s actually different than a person you don’t meet online and he just give the money
Right so this is completely different and I don’t understand how anybody would even do anything like this. You know specially the way it was played out, you know, and.
I don’t care about the money either because at the end of the day he can always get a GoFundMe set up for him and he can get it all back again. He can probably get more than what was stolen.
But the fact that he raised that baby and he loved that kid you know like he honestly thought he had a son and he loved loved loved that kid and that’s what I don’t get and that’s what’s heartbreaking
That’s why I feel bad for the man because I’m like once I heard the first time I ever seen this and the first time I heard that they had to tell him that the baby wasn’t even his. It’s like OK the money part just got put on the back burner on my brain lake. The money part was no longer a big deal anymore to me.
Because that was more heartbreaking and anything that was done previous, you know.
Like my grandma was at the Walmart in the states one time when she was down there for the winter down in Florida Lakeland Florida
She said there was this young woman like 20 or 30 years old. He was checking out her stuff you know like paying cashing out you know what the self cash out
Well, the security guard she overheard the security guard saying that she didn’t pay for all of them items right and she lied and then she said that she did pay for all that.
Well duh, I go to self-serve all the time and I always looked up and I know I am on camera like you just have to look up not even like to the ceiling and you can see yourself on camera and you can see yourself so close to the camera, so you’re basically you’re able to see yourself right in the camera.
So they know the people that are way up high that are on security camera duty if they know they can see if you have not paid for all the items right so they won’t let the store employees know that they witnessed something that isn’t right
So that’s real real real dumb on her part, you know specially if you go to camera right in front of your face hello. It’s like people people people.
Are you fucking serious? Like how can you be that stupid?
Like, for example, the people that rob the jewelry, stores or Walmart, and they happen to just walk out the door, while the security guard is at the door on guard watch
Right well, it’s like people are you that dumb. And let people that steal jewellery often get the door closed on them and the big safety thing coming down so that they can’t get out or somebody gets locked in the vault the jewellery store vault, where they keep all the valuable jewellery
Are you sometimes they lock the the people that steal the jewellery sometimes they lock them in the vault. It’s like if I was a thief I would not be that dumb enough to go in there in the first place.
I don’t think if I were a thief, I would be that dumb.
So imagine if they had to bring that child back to his actual mother. His birth mother, the child would be older, but he still was not old enough to understand that he was doing right.
It’s not like a person who is stolen at birth, but then it’s about like 20 or 30 years old when they find out what the actual truth is
This boy when he got returned, he was about two or three years old maybe even four years old, so it doesn’t matter how much you told him you had to tell him he wouldn’t grasp that in his mind you know he wouldn’t understand the concept of what happened
I mean even people that are older that understand the concept of what it happened. They can’t even grasp what the truth is. Never mind a three or four-year-old kid like hello
Because like Dr. Phil would say normal people average people every day people don’t think like a scammer or a thief so your mind can’t fully grasp why or you know you can ask a person who does things like that but
It doesn’t matter what kind of answers you get it would never make sense because the average person brain doesn’t think like those people you can’t even do you know put your mind into what they did you know
I mean, hi, have put my mind into some very very interesting things before like I often think well if I was a thief and I were to steal food or money, I would probably be a Robin Hood you know where I would steal from people and give it to people who don’t have anything
Or like I would see it on YouTube. I will see some thieves and I would be like what if I was a theif I wouldn’t be that stupid you know
So I have put my mind into some pretty dumb criminals, and I have thought before that if I committed that same crime, I wouldn’t be that dumb right
I don’t think sister had anything to do with that scam whatsoever. So that’s why she never got charged. She was probably just as devastated, and feels very, very, very betrayed the same as the older man did.
But unlike that elderly man, I don’t think her sister is going to forgive her her for what she did. She might be very, very, very angry even to this day you know.
Imagine having to get the baby back from birth to the actual mother and the baby saying where’s my dad you know.
It would be like those kids that get stolen out of the hospital and placed into an illegal adoption. You know those kids grow up and 40 or 50 years later they might find their birth parents if they’re lucky enough.
Only if they’re lucky enough, probably very very very if you have found their birth parents. Because it’s almost like a sex trafficking ring you know once you get taken across to another country.
You be lucky enough to make it out and escape after 10 or 11 years if you’re lucky. Others most of them people aren’t that lucky and they’re still doing you know they’re still having sex with men and getting forced to do things they don’t want to do 50 or 60 years after they have vanished.
So they probably vanished out like 20 or 30 years old and are still being forced into like sex slavery at like 60 or 70 years old. So yeah, it’s kind of the same thing to me you know
And I feel bad for for the children who get stolen at birth, and then having to find out years later that everything in you was a lie
But that’s just the way it came out at least to me anyways. I don’t think that they meant it like that. I just think that they were just saying that she gave her sister, the baby and she used that baby to break that man’s heart you know
I think that’s what they meant by that. I don’t think that she had anything to do with that with what your sister was doing.
I think she was this is heartbroken as the old man he was scammed. Right? Because who would ever think that somebody special your sister would do that to you.
You might think that the babies just going over to spend time with their aunt for couple weeks. She had no idea that she was pretty much kidnapping her baby right to break that old man’s heart.
Like I feel bad for her sister and that elderly man.
The way they said about her sister loaning her baby to her sister so that she can scam this poor man. The way it was said it was said exactly like that, and for some people at my make them think that the sister knew, and that she was a part of it to.
You know, it’s just she was kind of on the sidelines you know.
Very sad.. what a good man.. thank God almighty for everything.. God used that detective to reveal everything.. God help us..
I felt bad for what they did to the old man,ok let me say this right here what is a 75year old man doing to say he is married to this 18year old girl, yes at least he should have go for someone his age,like this old men like looking for young girls that why they end up like this
Five years later the news reporter takes him down for 15 million
I hope the reporter eventually did visit. Mr. Raines seems like an nice person
To much shipping and to many videos how the heck do I spend someone’s money and act like thisn
Such a amazing story like wow not good very bad but how they were to make this all happen o bet U. Most stayed a sugar baby etc he would still love U n give u all
You gotta admit there geniuses