Psychic’s Family Scams Elderly Man Out Of Millions – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Psychic’s Family Scams Elderly Man Out Of Millions – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Rachel Lee, Blancey Lee, and Porsha Lee (also known as “Mary Marks”) tried to scam Bend, Oregon man Ralph Raines Jr. out of his entire inheritance. Raines Jr. inherited his late father’s $15 million fortune. Raines Jr. became good friends with psychic Rachel Lee after going to her for love advice. He went on to hire Rachel Lee as his bookkeeper after she told him that his current financial managers were no good. Rachel Lee also told him that he would meet his future love at the airport, where he met a woman who he thought was named Mary Marks. He went on to marry her, and the scam continued. Mary Marks turned out to be Rachel Lee’s daughter Porsha, and Blancey turned out to be Rachel Lee’s boyfriend.

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25 thoughts on “Psychic’s Family Scams Elderly Man Out Of Millions – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

  1. It was a major, multi-million dollar con job and they did it so casually – not even caring so much as to get a proper blonde wig or dye the hair blond. Instead, they got one of those cheap Halloween prop wigs with a hat to hold it down. People sometimes are very socially awkward and gullible – Ralph Raines was a victim waiting for his abusers. I am also amazed at the light sentences these perpetrators got. They should be in prison for the rest of their lives.

  2. Cmon now doesn’t this guy have any relatives if you have that kind of money have some real professionals not people you meet in the streets I feel sorry for him but cmon

  3. It’s easy for us to laugh at him but this is clearly a very gullible and lonely old man who wanted to believe someone loved him. It’s heartbreaking. I don’t think he was stupid he was desperate for love and she knew it

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