Rafael Robb, a University of Pennsylvania professor and economist, killed his wife Ellen Gregory Robb right before Christmas. He was released in 2017 after serving 10 years in prison for voluntary manslaughter.
Here is the newly launched Facebook page for the family’s foundation: https://www.facebook.com/Every-Great-Reason-Foundation-624256857600571/
Check your local listings at http://crimewatchdaily.com
She pushed me!
How? She was wrapping gifts while sitting at the table. Creep!!
She was killed also because she lit up a room. Wtf does that even mean? Stupid saying
in just about all if not all of these crime watch dailys that i have watched the victim is always described as someone who lights up a room.
Sounds like the laws need to change. There's no way accidentally hitting someone with your car is equal to beating someone to death for like 5 minutes straight.
I hope Olivia's daughter receives all of the money from her mom's tragic death by the monster that calls himself a dad. So very sad and I'm sure that she would give it all up just to have her mom back. Domestic violence is so real and involves all who love the individual . No matter what be brave and tell . What a great family to give her name meaning and carry her memorie on with such honor.
That duffy dude freaks me out. What's with his eyes?
Don't you love it when the victims family get inspired by the loss of their loved ones to make a change to other people with same problem.
It's magnificent how strong they to make such a decision.
Another clue – Rafael called in his wife’s death “how do you know she’s dead?” “Her head is cracked open, bashed” – everyone on the scene was saying “it was obvious it was a gunshot wound, but after further investigation, it was a bludgeoning”. So…
Love how the civil lawyers had to do the job of the criminal trail! They could’ve proved that!!!
جزاكم الله خيرا
آللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين
لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير
لا اله الا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين
استغفر الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم و اتوب اليه
سبحان الله و الحمد لله و لا اله الا الله وآلله اكبر و لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان آلله العظيم
الله يرحمها ويغفر لها و يسكنها الفردوس الأعلى من الجنة بفضل الله و رحمته و مغفرته و جوده و كرمه سبحانه
Duffy looks like andy bernard or NARDDAWG
Why would double jeopardy not apply?
Never say that you’re going to leave or want a divorce. Just leave and never meet alone with person in private place. This happens in all educational and socio-economic groups.
Duffy would definitely make me nervous if he had to question me in an investigation, even if I’m innocent. He looks like he doesn’t play. I was blinking for him the whole time. Just see how he read out Rafael’s letter to his daughter 😆, so serious and cold!!! I feel bad for Ellen’s family 🕊 may she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾
The way dude read that letter….lol How in the world he got on 10 yrs. Wow!!!!! What an idiot! He had money overseas and he chose to stay here after he got off lite now they gonna take every dime. He is so arrogant! I hope they get every dime. smh
He’s a professor which means he’s protected
Wowah! The Ten years + Slayers Stat is enough to prove that Evil has infiltrated that state. How could such a Bill even exist if not by the will of evil? Ten years is the cost of a life?
3:34 This guy looks soo scared telling this story like he's right there experiencing it. Also, the husband needs to rot in Prison.
I blinked so much whenever that Duffy guy was talking, he blinks so little
So basically the prosecution screwed up and charged him with whatever they can get instead of taking their time and looking for the evidence. He's a disgusting human being for sure, but they gave him the plea deal in the first place. He did his time. They shouldn't be able to keep going after him.
My mother was a beautiful 29 year old woman when she was brutally murdered in 1987. I was 10 years old. My mom was stabbed more than 30 times and had her throat slashed. She was dating a man who was seeing two other women. One of the women had murdered the mother of his child by beating her over the head with a hatchet. She then dumped the woman's body in the woods along with her 13 month old daughter. They were found a few days later. The baby was alive. Sunburned, hungry, and dehydrated but otherwise okay. Physically at least. Six months later the same woman murdered ny mother to silence her because my mother suspected that she was the one who murdered the first woman.
She was offered a plea deal. 2 counts of second degree murder in exchange for testimony against the boyfriend who she claimed participated in the murder of my mother. She was sentenced to only 328 months on each count to run concurrently, not consecutively, and was out less than 10 years later. The boyfriend was never arrested or charged in connection with either murder.
Sadly that's the reality of our so called justice system. My mother and the other woman killed did not receive justice. This woman didn't either. But it angers me that they are continually going after this man because the family has money and money talks. They are under pressure. But families like mine they don't give two shits about. I have nothing. The other woman's daughter has nothing. The only thing we have is a lifetime of trauma. It makes me angry to see the double standard.
One word….MONEY!!! No way someone do what that piece of s*** did & not get a death sentence. People got paid off
This professorial POS got away with 1st degree murder !! 10 lousy years for beating his wife beyond recognition ?? He should lose all his assets, and be back in jail. I hope the family's lawyers succeed in all their actions.
The police were incompetent in their investigation, they should have found the tyvek suit, the missing crowbar and the phone call to the police. An absolute travesty of justice.
Ladies if you plan on leaving your husband's please don't allow him to find out.just leave without saying a word.
I love that the family’s new lawyer is out for blood, gonna make this guys life miserable..good
How horrible. From experience, Murder is a life sentence for everyone but the criminals.
Money can’t bring her mommy Back but she deserves every penny
This guy…. that letter… he would of had better luck asking for photos cause he missed her. Did he really think that wouldn’t be used against him? Dumbass
Why wasnt this "New" evidence produced in court the first time?! Sounds a lot like an after thought on the brothers side to me. Yes it was savage of him to do this to his wife, but after 10 years they suddenly find new evidence?!
That attorney has bug eyes creepyyyyyyyy and doesn't blink lol
I just love Mr Duffy…,..X.O X,O
Could you imagine Duffys stare while sitting on the witness stand?
This piece of shit needs his teeth knocked out.
whats up with this guy and raising his eyebrows
What's up with the trial attorney…slowdown on the coke..
I felt the passion that attorney said how he deserved life eyes bulging out! 👌🏼
Somebody call Dexter.
The guy talking about the letter at 6.50 needs to start doing scary stories for adults, his voice is a little creepy
This nigga hit u with that xo with that voice
Trial attorneys eyes are scary af 👀