Professor Released From Prison After Killing Wife – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Professor Released From Prison After Killing Wife – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Rafael Robb, a University of Pennsylvania professor and economist, killed his wife Ellen Gregory Robb right before Christmas. He was released in 2017 after serving 10 years in prison for voluntary manslaughter.

Here is the newly launched Facebook page for the family’s foundation:

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39 thoughts on “Professor Released From Prison After Killing Wife – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

  1. Why this awful visual and sound effects!???
    It's so disrespectful to this poor woman and her family!!
    This story is tragic enough, you don't need to make it more awful than it already is!!
    It's very upsetting to see how you've used someone's death to create this disgusting video!!
    You haven't given any respect to the people involved!!!
    I'm turning this off!! 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
    My condolences to the family and my sincere apologies for the way your family member's death was turned into a cringing show!!!

  2. He snitch on him self when said ( I know, the head is cracked ) because he knew she was dead by the blunt force trauma injury* ) but he try to make it seem as she died out of shotgun hit tho the head so they wouldn't know.. I mean what man is just gonna be walking around with something that big to rob a neighborhood? Smh

  3. Listening to them explain how she was killed makes my heart hurt. It’s crazy to think that someone would kill not only their wife but the mother of their child. I have children and am so glad that me and my baby’s fathers get along well. So sad

  4. wouldn't the glass from the door being broken into of alerted Ellen and she probably would have stopped wrapping presents and sitting at the table facing a wall….🧐🤔🤔🥺🤯🤯😫

  5. This show has taught me to never be in a relationship, get married or have kids. Literally anyone can turn on you and I find that pretty scary. Fucked up world we live in..

  6. It seems obvious to me that murders like that DO happen in that beautiful tranquil neighborhood…. or am I just imagining this video.
    BTW: There's no guarantee on safety anywhere on the planet…. for anyone …. ever.

  7. Before my car wreck. I was an award winning competitive skeet, sporting clay, & trap shotgun shooter. I smelled something fishy as soon as they said burglar with a shotgun. Shotguns are bulky & too cumbersome. A burglar would use a hand gun NOT a shotgun! The dog being put up & cast off on the ceiling/ everywhere. Idiot cops.

  8. Men and women are like the racist for genders men don't like woman because they aren't that cute or beautiful. And woman don't like guys because they have different "parts" or don't look "muscular" enough. I guess u could call it Sexist. But if you think it's sexist then you don't know what I'm talking about.

  9. love these! !!! Just subscribed 😉 awesome cause you don't have to wait 1 1/2 hours for an episode like dateline b and other shows, they keep it short and sweet with all the good parts! !!

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