Bryan Westfall was the last person to be seen with Amanda Jones. Now #CrimeWatchDaily looks to meet up with the man Amanda claims was the father of her unborn child.
Pregnant woman goes missing: Family pleads for info (Pt 3) – Crime Watch Daily

Bryan Westfall was the last person to be seen with Amanda Jones. Now #CrimeWatchDaily looks to meet up with the man Amanda claims was the father of her unborn child.
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We all knaw what happen to her and who did it💔
Someone needs to check "Mother's" basement. She reigned supreme over Bryan's life. Tethered him to that farm when he could have been so much more in his life. She also had approval on who he should date or marry. all my opinion.
Too bad his parents didn't have to face what Amanda's parents and daughter Hannah have to. I hope they face worse!! ⚖️ They raised a turd for a son.
They know what happened and the police there are lazy, incompetent, negligent, stupid and uncharacteristically BIASED! BRYAN, WE KNOW YOU DID IT. YOU'RE THE ONE WITH MOTIVE AND LAST ONE TO SEE HER YOU WUSSY. GO TO PRISON!
Spoiler alert: I looked this up. Bryan Westfall died last year of a heart attack/stroke. He was about to be charged with her murder (without a body). Family is still hoping they can find her. Bummer.
Pretty sure this has something to do with the "good" ol' boys club.
UPDATE: he died earlier this month from a stroke
Bryan died this past week
This family makes me sick! The Westfalls will meet their maker! We hope the Probst family receives the Justice they desperately deserve! Now that this evil monster is dead, the authorities can pursue this case and get Amanda and baby boy home 🙏🌹
It’s obvious he did something, or he wouldn’t be a sorry coward hiding behind his pathetic parents and pathetic attorney! He should be arrested for being ignorant and obstructing an investigation!
I hope he gets caught and his parents get charged as well from compliance..justice has to be done
My question is is him admitting he was the last one to see her alive is enough to get a search warrant to his property and phone records so why has that not happened?
She is probably buried on that farm!!
My theory is that he's always working those tractors and going over and over the property because she's buried somewhere there and he knows that people can't just come on there and start digging they don't have enough evidence unfortunately for the proper warrant. I sure hope they can get some answers soon
Stupid parents
Momma’s boy
I cannot believe he can hide behind a lawyer when he is a murder suspect?
They wouldn't know if anyone else did it because they are only looking at baby daddy cuz he will not talk
He will not talk to fbi well ya he will talk to some random tv guy. Okay
I get they have to to do it but these reporters are so dumb. Like these suspects have been quiet with cops, people in the community etc but yes a reporter shows up on my door-I want to tell you everything
How can you help someone cover up a murder?! Or in this case, keep silent about it! This is just some horrible family! And I'm pretty sure this dude killed her! 😑
While I think he does have something to do with the situation, I would not want to talk without an attorney either.
Brian’s parents are just as selfish and stupid as their son SMFH
I live I jefferson county. I can remember seeing missing person signs everywhere . It was rumored he killed her and took her body to the pig farm. Poor family I hope the family gets justice .
Just wait… Karma will follow him
They need to arrest all of those people for hindering the investigation. Brian is as guilty as hell and his parents know it. Surely there is enough circumstancial evidence to charge him with murder.
This is a case where a lynch mob will really be useful! He did it no question!
Wow by having a attorney will even stop you from having the FBI interview you….that is freaking incredible
Damn it breaks my heart every time to see a child grieve over a missing parent. As painful as they are for me to watch, they’re the most important part of all these stories.
Why no search warant for his land; home; and car; he was the last with her; his family must have clout in that town; SHAME ON THAT WHOLE FAMILY!!! THERE IS HELL WAITING FOR PEOPLE LIKE THESE
So your saying if you get a attorney you can get away with murder?that's what seems like its been a 11 years the detectives not doing a damb thing about it i have a broken heart for the victims family
The victim's daughter is Beautiful
Disgusting parents