Police Interview Lori Vallow Daybell’s Daughter Tylee Ryan After Her Stepdad Was Shot and Killed

Police Interview Lori Vallow Daybell’s Daughter Tylee Ryan After Her Stepdad Was Shot and Killed

Lori Vallow Daybell’s daughter, Tylee Ryan, speaks to an investigator with Chandler police after her mom’s brother, Alex Cox, shot her stepdad to death while she was home in July 2019. Ryan detailed the events that she saw firsthand during an apparent argument between her stepfather Charles Vallow and Cox before the shooting occurred.

#LoriVallowDaybell #TyleeRyan #LawandCrime

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23 thoughts on “Police Interview Lori Vallow Daybell’s Daughter Tylee Ryan After Her Stepdad Was Shot and Killed

  1. questa ragazzina doveva vivere con una madre anormale che aveva deliri mistici e vedeva zombi, aveva paura della madre, l'avrà terrorizzata per parlare così, povera bambina e povero il fratellino ; io lo so com'è vivere accanto a persone che fanno terrore e poi simulano la normalità fuori dalla porta : sono bugiardi e tu sei piccolo e lo sai che gli altri adulti non ti crederanno,( infatti questa squilibrata ha ingannato anche la polizia, sono così, proprio così) queste madri sono pericolosissime ti minacciano di tutto, ti maledicono, sono furiose e demoni nelle case e fuori di casa cambiano, sembrano vittime NON LO SONO, per sopravvivere tu devi scendere a patti con loro, devi subirle, subire la loro follia e malvagità, quindi a volte diventi complice per sopravvivere, ma sono sono solo abusi, comandi coercizioni divieti spaventi. Tylee non mostra empatia per il padre ucciso perché non può farlo , ha paura, è stata costretta in tutto …. per carità, non giudicate il suo interrogatorio, poveri bambina quanto avrà sofferto e povero il suo fratellino. Lei sicuramente da grande avrebbe scelto il padre, non era vero che lo odiava, l'avrebbe amato per sempre, ma l'orrore di queste madri manipolative, narcisiste e folli è che inventano anche i sentimenti, impongono i sentimenti, raccontano i sentimenti che i figli non hanno.

  2. I came here to see Tylee in life ,tragically I seethis beautiful young girl trying hard to live and protect her evil mother .RIP Beautiful Girl

  3. So Tylee said.
    I grabbed my bat coz when I lived alone with my uncle .
    I had a baseball bat.

    That alone should have flagged up serious warnings about Alex.

    The police here was really negligent .

    Why did Tylee need a baseball bat by her bed ?

  4. The police did a horrible investigation on this situation .None of the statements are accurate or in sync with in what happened inside that the house that day .By what Tylee has stated it’s clear that Lori witnessed the shooting of Charles .By all the statements that where made that day this was a murderess act .Not a accidental shooting by Alex being threatened by a baseball bat .

  5. Bless her heart. She was willing to protect her mom with a baseball bat against a man if needed but her mom and the sleezeball Alex murdered her coldly and callously!🥵🥵🥵!!!

  6. I don't think Charles said anything to anyone-how sad he is disgraced by Lori Daybell like this @ forcing her daughter to lie…her mom had messed up her from the get-go
    Charles was a "threat"??? especially to the psychopath seriel killer Alex?? I don't think so…this poor girl grew up in a crazy atmosphere due to her crazy mother…obviously Tylee knew don't go against Mommie Dearest, or else…very sad

  7. This Police Dept failed. I won't even watch this trial, it will be a 3 ring circus. The lying and unmatched stories are a huge clue and they missed it. And Charles previous calls to same home say's it all.

  8. So sad. She lied and it cost her her life. Amazing performance, though. Wonder what was going through her head before they killed her? Wonder if she was going to tell the truth.

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