A home burns to the ground high above the Coachella Valley in California. The triple-homicide made headlines, and may finally be solved. But it’s not the first time investigators have thought they had their men.
Pinyon Pines mystery: 3 murdered, set on fire in remote desert community (Pt. 1) – Crime Watch Daily

how does anna look even younger now lol
Pity the 2 creatures who done this didnt got the death penalty
Ex boyfriend got away with it but not with God he won't
I feel so bad for the family.
It was her ex bf. The cope let him go
I had to replay this clip 10 times Daniela is the very most beautiful woman I have ever seen 🥂👍❤️
Damn hope who ever did it is put on death row this shit hectic
Has to be more than one person. How could one person take out three people? It just doesn’t seem right.
That is a Mormon community? Y'all might want to looking at why Mormons are covering up so much evil in their communities….STOP BLAMING Christians for Mormon evil!
….my, what big teeth you have ehehehe ehehe ehehehe
i most of of these videos people say that “she/he lit up a room” but i feel like becky was the kind of person to light up a room
Okay even if the ex husband had something to do with his ex wife's murder,which it has been confirmed he did not.Why would he kill his beloved daughter? Wouldn't you think he could just case the mother's movements and catch her alone? I think so,personally.
Sounds like there were at least 2 shooters. If it were 1 shooter then it would be odd they used a 40 caliber on the mother and a shotgun on the boyfriend.
The title is jaw dropping alone.. riheaven
Normal Californian selfish behavior .
Pretty sick when a family member is murdered and you say, "How could this happen to ME!?"
Says a LOT about a person.
when they try to blur out the kid's face but have the blown up image right behind the same image 4:24
Such Evil…
More gun violence in the USA…yet again.
I wonder they haven't showed the father that makes me think he's the killer
We are not going to impeach Donald Trump get a life and get the commercial off your YouTube channel assholes
0.29…..is she wearing depends?
Just a heads up at :48 seconds there's a loud ass scream
Oooh Jesus people are evil, God save us all
Sad thing is. All the murder cases about family murdering their own family
The interviewer is the worst! Is it all the Botox that renders her incapable of facial expression?
Meanwhile if she was alive she be a bitch annoying a dope head cheater bf stealer streetwalking steals from family always loud 😂 yup that’s Becky with the good hair
Yeah, so nice someone thought they should kill them. Makes sense. Those evil murderers are probably just jealous of their niceness
Condolences to the family
I hope no one ever says I "light up a room"…
I hope no one ever says I "light up a room"…