A mystery in West Texas, where the search continues for 22-year-old college student Zuzu Verk, who went missing on Oct. 12.
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A mystery in West Texas, where the search continues for 22-year-old college student Zuzu Verk, who went missing on Oct. 12.
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why don't they interview the ex girlfriend. she can say what kind of guy is robert
What Is The Update? 😬
In the "legal" system, even innocent people need to "lawyer up".
Because they try to trick people.
What on earth is the sister talking about. You need no permit at all to go to Mexico and even if you do need something from the Mexican border it takes several hours to tramit any kind of documents. Also, that hands holding to me it means "stay strong" maybe to keep the lie straight.
That whole family is behind it. I guarantee you, they find her in mexico dead. They all need to go on trial, her boyfriend, needs the death penalty. So does others who have committed her murder. Mom and sister, and sisters husband, all need prison time, and when released shipped back to Mexico.
If my son do any thing like that to a woman I am not fending for him let him stand the consequence of his action
I agree with the mom, clear your name or take the blame. & as far as the sister saying, any smart person would lawyer up; not if your partner is missing & your innocent you dont until they arrest you. I think he did something 100%, & his friend is either apart of helping him cover it up; or he was told what happened from Robert!
That sister is hellllaaa suspishhhhh
can someone shut the dog up!
When you see reporter chasing suspects and looking through windows and knocking doors, don't waste your time watching these kinds of videos,, they're just hooks and will lead you nowhere. You'll be disappointed
why a beatifull gair go with
junk guys like these
Oh her bf did it
His family seem like lovely decent people what the hell happened with him
Just looked it up and the boyfriend was found guilty of murder and the friend was some sort of accomplice
Just thought I would share my findings
i knw this peaple for many years an really they are not to nice i do belive he did it😠
Here we go screen shot this shit cause I promise you it’s right. Here is what happened….. he got mad at her and “accidentally” killed her. His buddy came and helped him move the body. His brother for sure knows why he borrowed the truck. And his mom and sister took the murder weapon OR some other key piece of evidence across the border.
Bet my life on it.
Dude has to get rid of that 1983 Michael Jackson jacket.
Chris is going to jail. Robert hopefully gets the death penalty. No doubt in my soul they are lying.
Their dog is telling them to plead the 5th amendment. Any true US Citizen would have understood the US Constitution, even the naturalized ones.
I’m sorry but in this day and age, even the innocent need lawyers! Because innocent people go to prison, guilty people walk free.. I don’t think it’s smart for ANYONE to open their mouth to law enforcement without a lawyer.
The sister is trying to set things in motion to be able to run to Mexico in the event they are about to arrest her for her involvement in the cover up. That whole family is suspect.
I understand looking out 4 yo family but covering a murder is fucked up. What if the sister & mom threw her body in Mexico & with the cartel violence there she could just be considered another victim of it with no 2nd look. Or she's alive but sold 2 sex traffickers. Don't think cuz they're females & older they're not capable of it. I mean there's a very slim chance he's innocent & it's all a coincidence but highly unlikely & 2 much suspicious activity by him & his fam n his boyfriend
The friend is probably his dl lover taking stand for his boo probably gonna take the blame 4 it if more evidence comes up
Yet another reason out of many why we need that wall built. Time proves that you only lawyer up if you have something to hide… nobody else has. He's guilty and he knows it, so does his family.
His mom knows her son is a murderer. So sad.
They found her body.
Zuzu’s boyfriend has a big ass head!!
I dont care if the cops want to know what time it is im hiring a lawyer!! Matera is full of shit if his gf was missing and they thought he did it, he'd lawyer up in a heartbeat. Btw i totally think the boyfriend did it and his friend helped him dump her body.
I do agree with that mom tho. Innocent or not… always get a lawyer.
Shut those dogs up…
ah, always love a dog barking video
feel so sorry for the family though – that guy is so clearly guilty
Great aggressive journalism. This man asks the questions I would ask!
They do not show any empathy for Zuzu. God is watching you all!!! NO Big deal huh??
for all of you douche bags wanting to talk shit about mexicans grow the hell up. anybody can do anything given their circumstances. now i personally know all these people involved, and i am from alpine, if you din't know about that community then you have no right to discriminate against any of them. in a small town if a family member askes to borrow your vehicle that is nothing uncommen. i am not saying anyone is innocent but reading these vicious comments about people i graduated with, worked with, and cousin to, is offensive and uncalled for. let the court decide who is guilty. don't throw stones if you live in a glass house.
A body has been found, and Robert has been arrested with more arrests to come. http://www.nbcnews.com/feature/missing-in-america/boyfriend-missing-college-student-zuzu-verk-arrested-day-after-unidentified-n716846
He was arrested today after a body was found.
Why do our white women continue to date the blacks/browns? These are the cultures/peoples/super rich who are destroying all decency and Godliness in their paths. When will these women get any sense? This has only happened since about the mid 90s; until then, it would have been almost unthinkable for white women to get involved with such. We are to be "open minded" now and ladies it's killing you, literally. Get
the Bible and get some sense.
Young and impressionable women,….be very careful with whom you jump into relationships with.
Shut that bloody dog up !
black or hispanic family they would of pay robert or his boy a visit long time.white folks plays by the books to much.
It's obvious what happened. That entire family is a stain on the community of Alpine, TX. Confess or leave!
18 minutes in Mexico and her body was taken care of
What was she doing hanging out with these Border – Bandits …
These Mexicans stick together… like tape balled-up. The fact that one of them might be guilty of murder means nothing to them. They are Catholic, go to confession and act as though their sins mean nothing, because they confessed what they did to "God"..
His buddy lied every time he looked away… Can't look a man in the eyes and tell lies very convincingly, so look away and say what you may.
Running to his mommys house 😒 what a vagine
omg those damn dogs…. jeez…. i love dogs but how do people live with that noise constantly?