Outrage in New Orleans After 2 NFL Stars Shot in Apparent Road Rage Attacks – Crime Watch Daily

Outrage in New Orleans After 2 NFL Stars Shot in Apparent Road Rage Attacks – Crime Watch Daily

Breaking developments in the shooting deaths of two NFL stars. Both shot dead in apparent road rage attacks that left blood staining the streets of New Orleans. And people there are upset about the way the sheriff handled the case. Chris Hansen reports.

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34 thoughts on “Outrage in New Orleans After 2 NFL Stars Shot in Apparent Road Rage Attacks – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Racism and corruption. Again, you cannot break the law to enforce the law. White supremacy has infiltrated law enforcement, mixed with white privilege, police corruption and you have a perfect recipe for pervasive corruption at its finest.

  2. Smith and his friends were the agressors. The other guy that was with Smith left the scene. These celebrities. The crooked Kardashians always n the midst of something. Their time is coming. Free cardell Hayes!! FYI. I will always believe Kris Jenner is more involved with Nicole Simpson being killed she had sex with OJ. Trash bag slutty bloodlines.

  3. Yh really? You are upset, you? What of the family of the victims? You shouldn't even mention this but instead, understand them and keep looking for the killer😒😒😒😒

  4. Who The Eff cares if the wife is friends with Kim Kardashian, Americans appear so stupid when they exhibit that star struck idiocy! Celebrities in other countries have to prove themselves, the Kardashians are famous for nothing! Pet rocks are a great example of the empty marketing of nothing at a great price!

  5. The racist justice system is built by white people and for white people.

    That's why whenever there is a case of Black and white, white will usually always win.

  6. How inappropriate, and how thin-skinned Sheriff Normand is. Also, if Gasser was aggressively following McKnight and eventually shot and killed him, how can he argue he feared for his life when he stopped in parking lot after McKnight pulled over? Gasser hunted McKnight down and gunned him down.

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