NYPD Asks State for Controversial DNA Test to Help Solve NYC Jogger’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily

NYPD Asks State for Controversial DNA Test to Help Solve NYC Jogger’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily

Dramatic developments in the murder of Karina Vetrano — the jogger who was brutally raped, beaten and strangled to death moments after the video shown here was taken.

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32 thoughts on “NYPD Asks State for Controversial DNA Test to Help Solve NYC Jogger’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Ugly as he'll , unkempt, worthless unemployed 20yo black dude living with mom near location body was found was caught with DNA match from her fingernails and neck. What I don't get is how a women so Damn fit didn't pounce that scrawny w beer belly cracked head?

  2. 200k for a lead? when they said she was rich or her parents had money they wasn't playing, usually its like 10k or 30k , I bet the killer is someone she knows from a party or something

  3. Now that the technology is available, familial DNA testing should become a regular part of crime solving coast to coast & worldwide! The database is made from the DNA of felons, & searching for familial DNA is no more invasive than comparing their samples to that of the known killer in the first search. Imagine the number of cold cases that could be solved!

  4. Female joggers should start packing a light firearm. Instead of velcroing an iphone to your arm, consider an alternative but have it lay on the inside of your arm for quick n easy access.

  5. The only ppl your dragging in are people who have been put in the system for one reason or another. Someone who was a suspect and was later cleared and proved innocent for starters. His argument is wrong. Sorry for the family's loss but the laws the law baby.

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