Sirena Sisneros, a patient at Swedish Medical Center in Colorado, alleged that nurse Savannah Andryczak was abusive on the job. Sisneros was in treatment for sepsis and ultimately died. Crime Watch Daily speaks with Sisneros’ mom Karen Ramos and sister Raina Sisneros about the abuse.
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I don't know why people think your love ones are safe in facilities.
To all you hospital government officials of these particular countries all over the world,with abusive disgusting nurses if you can call them that? And care's of other facilities houses of old aged people and those with disabilities..wake up! And spend your government money properly ,sending inspectors there….geniune inspection!no corruption!
Truly disgusting, because in my country i have experienced this! With my grandparents
Your old people have worked hard their whole lives now you discard them like used tissues!
Appalled in a nutshell….is this human ..i doubt very much….
Again wake up!!!And care… be humane❣️
Vicious person, take her license away. Even if they do that, she will get a job being a caregiver in a private nursing home or at some poor person's house who is home bound. Everyone dies eventually and eternity is a long time to be punished for what we do in this life. Straighten up people, stop abusing helpless people and animals. You will be sorry but there will be no one to keep you from going to hell.
Camera's the only hope out there and somebody that care's~
Never trust the Swedes
The patient might have been difficult, so she lost her temper and slap her. Nurse job is not easy, infact it is much more difficult than doctors job. The bad part is all yours, the TAKING CARE of patient is at the hands of the nurses not the doctors. Doctors, check and prescribed and do surgeries but everything else is the nurses problem. Cleaning is never an easy job, checking the iv nonstop, fixing and checking all sorts of monitors, everything is left for the nurse. NURSE is worse than a household maid, especially if that is the lower rank as nursing aide. SO if you don't have patience and you cannot endure it, you better take another career. Rather result into hurting or abusing the patient. There are difficult people, some patient can be mean, some can be hardheaded and some can be freaks, so your patience might run out. You always have to remember you don't have right to yell or physically hurt the patient. I heard lots of nurses saying poke or hit the head if the patient is too hardheaded in the shelters or geria. Because yes, it is hard to bath them, they have tantrums, some are bitches, and some can be difficult and will cry and wine, so many issues you have to deal with. SOme will spit food on you or will never cooperate. This is not a happy job, it's never easy that is why this job is suppose to be for the people with unending patience, and people that can still feel compassionate no matter what. I think the reason this nurse licence is not revoke is because she haven't done a big abuse, she slap the patient but it was not severe physical injury to patient. The case is mild that is why her licence will not be taken. It will only be taken and she will go to jail if she beat the shit out of the patient, if it resulted into injuries and death. It's scary that most nurses who takes this job are not real compassionate people. Most of the time the reason for most is a secured job. All my classmates were into earning money, getting secured job, going abroad etc. That is why when we were ask to write down on a paper why we want to be a nurse, the doctors laugh about it. They said I was the only one who told the truth, everyone are lying and giving generic fake poker face answers. Everyone says they want to be a nurse because they want to help the sick people, and want to help the poor and needy etc blah blah. Who the fuck believes that???? My answer was just what I know and I am not going to lie or poker face and pretend. So I said I don't want to be a nurse, my father and my aunt wanted this. I just took it for the sake of taking it. It wouldn't kill me if I study it, plus it is advantage to learn something, I can use the knowledge for myself, my family and if the time comes I needed this for an income it wouldn't be that bad. I know nursing job is very difficult but in case it happens that I really really badly needed a job and I apply for this, I know myself I have a sense of responsibility and I kinda have that domestic and compassionate side in me that will help me endure this kind of job. I told them it is still optional I mean, I don't need to force myself to apply for it, if I don't I gained some knowledge and can use it so it is still good. If i take a job for this well, i atleast have domestic and compassionate side that I can use for this because it is very important since this is not a happy glamourous job. But I am not sure if I will pursue it I am just taking it for now to stop them from bugging me. The doctors were all laughing with my classmates answers, plus the fact that you will see them loitering all over the place, they have jewelries all over, make up, colored shoes, bangs, they are just not what they say they are. They are all in a hurry to go home as well. They also refuse to help out of the nurse responsibility like if the patients cannot fill out forms or cannot process papers. I don't want to be a nurse but it is easy for me to help and do beyond what I should be doing, I just have that in me. I mean I would even process their health documents for discounts. I read and help them fill out forms because some cannot see tiny letters or cannot understand english. It's easy to say things good things about yourself but you don't even do it. Most nurses are just full of shits, and they are too plastics. They also love gossiping which is very typical in my country. I also suffered from bad doctors and nurses, specially if that is a cheap lower class hospital, expect the unexpected. Nurses are bitches and assholes and mean. I remember I had this cyst on my butt cheeks, the doctor told the nurse to clean it. SHe was irritated she is lazy and she was mean, she said " of all the places it would grow in, why does it need to grow on that part blah blah, she was a total bitch, and she was kinda hitting hard and shoving all things and the way she did the job was so rough. I didn't say anything but i really wanted to yell and punch her. That is usually in government or private but cheap hospitals you will always get abuse. The five star hospitals rarely has that and if you are filthy rich, one complain will automatically kick out the nurse, plus they will keep asking you for your good experience. There will be a staff that will keep visiting your room and will ask how you are, how is the room, what else do you need, is there something wrong with the appliances are they all working fine. one thing you say, they will automatically remove everything and replace it with new ones. That is a VIP treatment in expensive hospital in expensive room take the vIP or private room and take all the services and procedures and labs etc, the hospital will treat you like a king and queen if you are rich. But if you are poor, you end up in a cheap affordable hospital with so many evil doctors and nurses lols. But even expensive can sometimes have stupid bigmouth nurses all you have to do is report them, though sometimes you get to be ignored if you are not rich. Reality is, money matters in this planet, the way they treat you is base on how much they can get from you. The quality of services and the quality of nurses is also base on amount of money you have.
When she kept on saying no comment to be honest I wish I could turn into a girl for one day and slap the holy hell out of her. She don’t know how she ruined a whole family’s life by this 😡
People shouldn't do that kind of work if they don't like doing it.
gosh imagine if she has baby's how she would treat them
What the hell. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤬🤬🤬🤬
She needs JAIL TIME! How do people get away with this ?
Shame on you mom you should of listen to your daughter how do sleep after doing nothing how many times your daughter got to tell you
For this kind of things that happen to people are just so darn sick of what they do to us in down right the meanest and evil thing to do you know you ass wipes in the medical field of doctors and nurses donot have any feelings or a heart at all I can say this for people like her if she does this kind of things on her job can you think of the things that she might do to people in her home ,so there again these meen ass people as to doctors and nurses in our health care that is to help us will always say that they never do anything wrong even if it's on a recorded video that shows that they did ,I pray that what she did to that poor lady comes back onto her .
Nursing homes are questionable as well my mom was in a nursing home after having a brain aneurysm burst in her head. She was in ICU for 6 weeks. She went into the local nursing home to get physical therapy because she couldn’t walk. In less than a week she was rolled out of bed during a bed bath. My mom put her arm up to protect her head. She ended up with a torn open arm and 5 broken ribs. We were with her everyday through this whole journey of trying to get back home. She hasn’t made it yet. She went to a new rehab facility and within a week tested positive for Covid. Not all, but in my experience, some nursing homes are death trap’s especially for the elderly. 😢
capitol death for thw abusers
The evil nurse should be forced to clean the toilets with her tongue in prison as retribution.
Very sad ,why do some of these people go into nursing if they cannot give care . They know this is what it is part of the package
Scarey!! It's about time,long overdue!
This is not the nurse.she is monster woman 😱
Unbelievable 🥺 she should not have her Licence anymore.
When I work in a Nursing home the nurses were very nasty! Lazy! Horrible work a place like that! I quit!
That so sad if that was someone related to me I would of killed that lady o be going to jail.
Appearance can be deceiving,monster
You already know that her daughter wasn't the first and most likely won't be the last. God forbid something happen to her and she end up in the daughters position, she better hope and pray to God that karma don't come looking for her
Yea, she's WAAAY to comfortable
They should protest outside the hospital that she's working at. How is she still working? Wtf?! If she was my daughters nurse she would not be a nurse!!! Why become a nurse if ur not going to takecare of someone.
It shouldn't be hard to find out where she's employed now?
I wonder how she got sepsis,as isnt that blood poisoning?
It should be 5 years minimum if you're caught of using a patient you should get 5 years on the shelf you don't get off with good behavior or probation game over let's not pussyfoot around and lollygag 5 years
Omg the same exact thing happened here too.the abuse wasnt like that, but the medical background was
What a.sicko hope.jail.time
Everyone deserves due process
She would have lost more than just her license if she did that to someone I loved. And if the police want to arrest me then fine but they better start by arresting her first
The girl is dead now so what does it matter.
Also Savanah is 😍
I can't stand people who say "NO COMMENT" because if I did nothing wrong I'd be denying it til my dying breath.
Nurse from hell? Lol nurse ratched.
Sounds like the Vanderbilt ER in Lebanon Tennessee 😔
Why didnt her mother believe her? That's the real question I'm having a hard time with. You're better off safe than sorry. It's better to take actions even during an assumption than to wait around for something bad to happen because once they're gone, they're gone forever
I remember as a student nurse on my first placement in a nursing home that nursing staff were sedating patients to keep them immobile, encouraging dementia patients to assault one another and intentionally frightening vulnerable patients. We reported this to our educator & put in a formal complaint & shut the facility down.
The angel of death in the form of a and hide.
She will NEVER lose her license….she is a WHITE FEMALE‼️ Enough said‼️‼️
It seems as though qualified immunity is common practice not only in law enforcement, but in the healthcare industry as well.
Eye for an eye for the nurse, seems fair.
“No comment” always means you’re hiding something