A fleeing suspect is taken down during a wild police chase with the help of spike strips. Also, an alleged identity thief is caught with numerous social security numbers and bank account credentials.
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Barney Miller open mail Barney Miller season premiere Joe Barry Meadows open 0:14
There are scum everywhere! This bozo scamming the social security numbers is just the tip of the iceberg! Better than making an honest living huh?!😡
May God help the American police
FYI that’s Lakewood, WA NOT NJ!
from a leagal stand point the second guy should have told the cops he was not going to ID the cops need better training because they need to have probable cause which they did not have
The wifi bit was hilarious. This is so old the cop didn't even know what wifi was.
2:10 Perfect spike deployment! 👮🚓📌👍
What a jerk of a cop! Those people didn’t know what was going on? They were stopped at a red light!! He is screaming at them like a a – hole
@3:58 He appears to be trying to get something out of his "prison wallet".
Wonderful Bronco at 8:55.
Bad choice bad choice , run is not for you
Being from Essex county New Jersey and seeing Lakewood at the first video had me rolling with 😂
The passenger in the first video seemed really chill and did not mean trouble
Wow 😯
What year was this filmed?
americke picke
I am waiting for : i havent done anything wrong
“That’s a good reason to run” 💀
That cop is insane… Never never ever walk the stop sticks into the roadway you were supposed to toss them.
love that "so if i ask mom" grows with us into "so if i call em and ask em?"
"It's WiFi, it's all over the place."
The scumbag doesn't even understand what he's stealing.
Not only does he not know who you are, he's never heard of you.
Don’t release it.
Lol criminals
Damned piece of crap liar. Give him life in prison. If you deport him back to his home country, he'll just be back in a week.
Note to self do not sit in a car with a laptop. It looks suspicious and could get you arrested.
While fishing expeditions may net a few bad guys, such activity is antithetical to our civil rights. "Looking suspicious" doesn't rise to the level of reasonable articulable suspicion of committing a crime. "Why am I being detained?" is a reasonable question to ask.
Para que fogem, se são apanhados?? Gente tola .. substimam os agentes e provocam mais gastos de combustivel e perdas de tempo!!
Deviam de ser obrigados a pagar as custas de todo este processo!!
He's stealing and needs to be put in jail.
People don't give their social security numbers to other people. that they don't know. He is a theft and a lier.
Shoutout to that cop getting out ahead of the perp twice and getting the job done.
Why so many police ???
This show was televised just to program everyone into looking at cops violating citizens rights left and right, and have them believe that to be the norm. Since it’s televised then it must be legal for them to just go up to anybody and demand their i.d for looking suspicious amongst many other violations.
Seriously, how many cops do you need?? Lol
That coordinated and timed spike chain throw is some cowboy artistry.
What year is this 1990 nice structure shirt.
These videos come off very fabricated
reloaded means these are repeats right? not a bad thing, just curious
Spike strips are obsolete. They rarely actually stop the car. With the tech we have, drones that disable electronics is a viable and easy solution.
Great job San Berdo Law Enforcement!!!
Sheriff of San Berdo!!
The "war on drugs" is a pathetic waste of time. NOTHING has EVER been eliminated by trying to restrict supply. Lock up the users and skip the scam "treatment" programs. The supply will naturally go away.
His car was jumping 😅
Crazy how the cop is simply questioning why he’s sitting in his car somewhere random, when even if it’s usually done for malicious purposes, it’s his right to sit in his car anywhere he wants, yet he’s telling him what he’s on probation for and EVERYTHING 💀 Know your rights people, you do not have to answer any of that
This happened in Washington. Spanaway and Lakewood are both in WA and close to eachother.
I wouldn't imagine identity thieves operating from a vehicle and using the other unsuspected resident's Wi-Fi to steal from people.
I miss cops