Murdered Woman’s Diary Helps Catch Her Killer – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Murdered Woman’s Diary Helps Catch Her Killer – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Tricia Todd divorced her husband Steven Williams after more than ten years of marriage. Before Tricia went missing, she wrote in an online journal about falling for another man, and that her husband had a dark side. She was later found dead.

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36 thoughts on “Murdered Woman’s Diary Helps Catch Her Killer – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

  1. There's still the possibility of him facing a military Court-Martial over this crime, because he was a serving member of the US Air Force at the time he committed the murder.

  2. After 11 yrs they finally decided to go their separate ways? Why say it like it was time to move on and just get murdered!🙄 Yeah gives "Love you to bits" a whole new meaning.

  3. "Just a NORMAL mom that didn't come home one night." Top Notch!

    "How was your night?"
    "OH you know, fell asleep on the coutch, cat stayed out and mom didn't come home, you know… Normal."

  4. This is exactly why people should be more open about their life especially if you underwent abuse in your relationship..may be if tricia had spoken about the true nature of her husband to a friend or a family..things could have gone one suspected the ex husband..the henious nature of the crime should warrant a death row..the sneaky murderer got away very cleaverly

  5. I think its awful how american producers does this, milking the murder of an innocent woman like this for their own gain. The way they are dramatisizing an already very dramatic and horrific situation. This is not like any other documentaries, all these sound effects and comments like ”she did came back, but in pieces” dun dun dun!!!!…is just such a truly awful and unnescessary way to say something like that. How do you think it feels for the family to hear that?

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