A 32-year-old mother of four, Casey Allen, was found stabbed to death in her Georgia apartment after Gainesville police conducted a welfare check Saturday. Authorities arrested her husband, Christopher Dean Snow, after finding him inside a crashed vehicle on the interstate. The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie has the details.
Sierra Gillespie: https://twitter.com/sierragillespie
#Georgia #MurderCase #LawAndCrime
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She was my sister in law. Snow was sentenced to life without parole yesterday.
Why can't people just divorce
I worked with this guy back in 2013-2014. The guy was nice but pretty sketchy. Seemed like he was on some sort of upper drug most shifts
My man's got a 50 inch neck.
Ugly soul😒 Why are these pretty girls always with weirdos?
I agree. I don't think you understand either.
I worked with Chris and it’s scary to know he was capable of this. This happened right across the street from my house. Just shows you how fast someone can snap and end your life. RIP Casey and will continue to pray for your babies and your love ones
@ 0:00:42 — What happened to this guy? You have to wonder what he was on to change so much in just a year.
His mom statement..His is a good boy…
Disgusting to the highest degree.
He is a scumbag. May he realize the consequences of his hideous actions. And god bless her family and his. Bc as a mother, it would kill me to know that a son of mine would be such that her son is a killer
It’s just an absolute tragedy.
there always two sides of each stories
PLEASE DO NOT let them talk you into ~just öne meeting, a quick minute to talk, meet me öne last time please then I will leave!!!
Never tell your abuser you are leaving please don't trust them trust your gut & remember why you are leaving 🚩🚩~Just go don't tell there family or friends were you are ! Think about your future & if you have children or pets you want to be here for them & Alive to love them BUT most important LOVE yourself…
why does he look like that
Did she even know him before they got married ? Did he use her for a place to live
Why not just divorce her, now the kids have no parent to help raise them and unless they go to extended family will grow up in care homes. Such a selfish thing to do, not just the murder, but the knock on effects of it.
Another Feminicide, more children growing without parents!!… this is sick and the numbers are not getting any better, if not worse!!!… sentence should be what he did to her, "death"!!!…
RIP Alan and Condolences to her children, family and loved ones!!!…
Can’t y’all just leave and get a divorce,smh
his mugshot with the nightstick behind him lol
The "DEATH PENALTY" Is Crying Out For "JUSTICE NOW" ⚖️
What a loser! The victim was way out of his league.
Rest in Peace 🌹
I read that 95% of females murders are committed by their partner!
Ugh that mug
Typical America
I bet it's due to drugs
Single is not bad.
What's with the thumbnail? Seems edited and doesn't even appear in the video.
Pink on Pink crime is outta control!!!
It amazes me that a man can go and kill a mom and leave the kids momless. He looks like he has rage issues. A picture is a thousand words. Even in his clean cut photos he looks like there is something off with him. Poor woman
New agencies don't need to tell us what the comments are. I can read them just fine without needed commentary on it. Never understood that.
…yet another woman killed by her husband in the US!
When you have children from a previous relationship, stay single till your kids are grown.
Men are sick
DV has always been a thing but I suspect these incel manosphere movements are making things even worse smh
the usual suspects!
My God , please stop this evil
As a father of 5 children 3boys and 2 daughters this is one of my top 3 fears for my girls that are twins ,This world is getting scarier every minute .God have mercy
Criminal … this is not good she needed a better man
O well beef settled
Ladies, please stop getting involved with men who are clearly lost in life
I'm trying to remember, bronze wedding anniversary is what 10 years, silver is 20 years, gold is 30 years. Correct me if I'm wrong. Which one is hot lead?
This happens all the time Young women, have kids from dirt bags
Popping out children left and right, disgusting
Wtf is with men???
Trust no one.
Is not a crime to be single.