Mom Drugs Son, Sets Car On Fire To Cover Up Killing – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Mom Drugs Son, Sets Car On Fire To Cover Up Killing – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Narges Shafeirad received 50 years in prison for murdering her young son Daniel Dana. She poisoned Dana with cold medicine and set the car on fire. She did this in the midst of a custody battle with her husband Hamid Azimi-Dana. Michelle Sigona has the story for Crime Watch Daily.

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40 thoughts on “Mom Drugs Son, Sets Car On Fire To Cover Up Killing – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

  1. The fact that a innocent child was killed in this story is just sad 😢 the mom is discusting and a monster how could you do this to a child not only that your OWN CHILD the fuck is wrong with people now a days

  2. OMG. I don't have kids of my own. God didn't bless me with one. I am really saddened to see a mother do this to her child. Poor kid didn't deserve a mother like her. She could have given the kid up for adoption. This is a very story whereby a young child lost his life. She is a horrible mother period!

  3. She must have been furious that she didn't get 100% custody and free child support. This is the unfortunate outcome from several generations of women being told that "they can have it all" and "they are the primary caregivers" and "women have a special bond with children that no man can have".

  4. If there was a fire the first thing even if you were dazed and out of it would be is my son okay? is he hurt? She doesn't even ask or care she's obviously got pure evil threw her vains. Plus anyone who's cautious enough to think of bringing extra gas would 100% fill there tank and they would be cautious enough to not put it in the passenger seat and not smoke a cigarette. She's got a special place in hell waiting for her. people that could do that are straight up demons if any normal human being didn't want a kid they would give them up for adoption
    Rip daniel poor kid

  5. I live on the outskirts of Baltimore and have driven to Ocean City so many times I can't even count. From my house, it's about 2.5 hours drive and there are PLENTY of gas stations along the way.

  6. WTF?!? How is that justice?!? "Life sentence, SUSPEND ALL, but 50 years." …?!?!?!? What kind of sentence is that for a mother who INTENTIONALLY MURDERS her own child, then attempts to cover it up???!!!?!?!?!? She deserves Life WITHOUT the possibility of parole! & where are the other charges for lying to police, arson, poisoning of a child, etc??? smh

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