Narges Shafeirad received 50 years in prison for murdering her young son Daniel Dana. She poisoned Dana with cold medicine and set the car on fire. She did this in the midst of a custody battle with her husband Hamid Azimi-Dana. Michelle Sigona has the story for Crime Watch Daily.
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may god forgive her, but I won't. God will make her pay for her sins
Why did she have to kill the boy because she didn't want him to see his father? It's so messed up. He shouldn't be in the middle of his parent's fighting.
Good she got karma she was thriving in pain. Good that’s karma
Lol it’s better then thriving in excitement after killing her own son.
I hate to wish death appon anyone but in this case I wish she would have gotten the death penalty for killing her own child.
I don’t like kids either I cannot stand them. I can never be a mother I don’t have the mental strength to look after a kid of my own. I’d probably end up where this lady is right now.
So I’m making the choice not to have children
They won’t ever know that he’s still alive or not:(
They do this in Europe kill and burn to cover-up!
what a beaut
50 years is a fucking slap on the wrist for killing a 5 year old boy. Especially your own child. What an evil fucking bitch.
F I live near Gaithersburg and we have crazy biathces like this running around lol
So she fought to have him and just kills him? Fasho
They met in Iran… uh oh
What a beautiful little guy, Daniel Dana rest in heavenly peace. You deserved better little man. Children need their Dads too.
If you waste a Life (kilo someone) we should waste yours to so Life sentence
Uuummmm…the firefighter said that all the car doors were locked, so he had to bust a window.
Nobody asked her how tf she got out of the car?🤔
She cannot be human! No way…
poor kid… his parents, both of them, were so immature. that kid should have been raised by another family.
It's pronounced nar-g-iz (like geese). Not particularly relevant but just broke the flow for me.
"They're related 1st cousins but not really she was adopted." Uuuuuhhh what? Then no, they're not related. Fish have gills and can only breathe under water, but not really coz some jump out of the water sometimes
Thats sad dude He was 5 damm
See they never thought that the little boy could have hop out his car seat and try to cover him self with blankets so he can protected himself
RIP baby…..u r in a better place😥😭
I always feel kind of guilty for "liking" these videos.
How much cold medicin do you have to take to die?. What kinda cold medicin do you have in USA?
To me, the creepiest part is that she not only killed her Son like this, but even harmed HERSELF (intentional or not) Just To get back at his Dad.😥😑
(Note: killing the son would've been bad enough)
Like I said in other similar case, I just wonder why God blesses these evil people with children when there are so many good people wanting to have their own baby but can't!