Model Thief Terrorized 13 Victims During Her Robberies – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

Model Thief Terrorized 13 Victims During Her Robberies – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

Former model Abigail Kemp terrorized more than a dozen victims during robberies across five states over a one-year period. One victim tells Crime Watch Daily that Kemp held her at gunpoint during a heist.

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37 thoughts on “Model Thief Terrorized 13 Victims During Her Robberies – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

  1. Yall will just steady call anyone a model then focus on fat people like you can't see receding hairlines, drug problems, fucked up teeth and poor genetics🤧

  2. I have a relative went to prison for stealing. Before I would brush over inquiries from friends and coworkers. Trying to find someway to admit that they did it, but at the same time lessen what they did. It was just too stressful and just BS. I just told the truth, I got tired of making excuses for something that a grown relative did. It was a HUGE weight off of me. I love my relative, but that doesn't mean i cannot call out or have to condone their BS.

  3. Bro she never hurts shot or was violent towards anyone. So please explain to me how are you lucky to be alive? I mean come on man let's not be dramatic. You be lucky to be alive if she killed somebody before and stabbed somebody and was a maniac shooting bullets every time she went into the bank and you barely missed it. That's lucky to be alive.

  4. Bro I'm sorry but that bitch drew a gun on me and I was a bank teller I would fucking laugh. But you got to be ready to use that home girl. I wonder if they caught whoever was her fence? Cuz you know she didn't wasn't doing that shit just to do with some dude put her up to that.

  5. Pathetic "justice system"!!!

    The State uses the BS bail on bonds to put these rats back on the streets because they cost up to $100K per year to the state. Put these rats in prison and make them work if they want to eat, shower and warm bed!!!

  6. Our justice system is very interesting. She gets 10 years while the others she ratted out who weren't holding a gun to people's heads nor actually doing the stealing gets 3 times.

  7. Yeah.. And she will plead mental illness.. Works every time. A couple of counseling sessions and she will be fixed.. Poor parents.. They should have stayed home.. She screwed herself so why make them pay?? Ashamed should be ur next story.. About the patents an family

  8. Wow sentency sisparity between men and women is absolutely ABSURD… The men always get rapes/screwed and she served only 10. What a failure with the system once again and again… Garbage

  9. What kind of Justice bus that ??? If she was a black lady I’d put money on it she would be doing BIG TIME OR LIFE !!!! We see how time the black men got!! THE WORLD 🌎 IS WATCHING AMERICA 🇺🇸
    Watching from Canada 🇨🇦

  10. it appears to me that she isn't going about this like a pro. its almost like she wanted to get caught. I wouldn't be surprised if she was coerced into it somehow. I also wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't.

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