Monica Sykes, 25, disappeared after going to get candy for her nephews. A man she had been seeing is currently a person of interest. She allegedly got into this man’s car before she was not seen again. Then, the car was found engulfed in flames.
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It's 2022, I wonder if they ever found the body and or someone is in jail for this
"I'm going to get you some candy"?? Sounds a lot like "I'm going for a pack of smokes" and as all know what that means
I pray for her. may she be safe and back home soon. Her mother looks like her sister.
Have there been any updates on this case?.
What a beautiful girl, Rest In Peace Monica 🙏
U Must Teach Ur Children From the Womb 2 The Tumb! FHIH Baby Girl!!!
Don't get in car with strangers 😉😉😉😉☺️
Update: the boyfriend admitted to killing her and burring her.
She was a joy to be around. RIP Monica 🙏🏾🙏🏾
The boyfriend probably found out she spent that night w/the cop & killed her. Hope they solve her case.
my daughta will be carryin a big ass glock everywhere she goes👌🏾
Her remains were found 5 months later, he shot and killed her in the car which is why they found it burning. So sad but at least they have some closure.
No such thing as a free meal 😭😭
Cops always so quick to clear cops…
Why is the story so short. You have to give more detail.
She was dropped off at home.I think she had a jealous boyfriend.He called her,she went out to the car left with him,he took her somewhere killed her and probably had help to get rid off evidence.
Theirs no other suspect's, but the guy she was seeing, who's car ins up golfed in flames,burned up.He killed her,or ether its a cover up murder,The last person she was seen with.
I feel like she is absolutely alive for some reason I can't help but feel like that?
The rookie snake cop set her up!!! God bless this angel sad this happened to her.
Her boyfriend at the time Ray Elis is the suspect! He watched her get dropped off by the cop friend of hers and out of jealousy he killed her in his brothers car. Later on he and his brother set the car on fire to hide evidence of the crime. He got life on prison. This case was on a show called Fatal Attractions on TVOne
Her boyfriend at the time Ray Elis is the suspect! He watched her get dropped off by the cop friend of hers and out of jealousy he killed her in his brothers car. Later on he and his brother set the car on fire to hide evidence of the crime. He got life on prison. This case was on a show called Fatal Attractions on TVOne
He killed her in the car, burned the car to hide the evidence then hid the body
Such a nice girl. We must hope for her safe return to her family.
I thought her mom is her sister
I thought her mother was her sister
Excuse me i know this is far off topic and not important but the mom looks so good cant believe shes a grandmother and her daughter was absolutely gorgeous
So.. She got dropped off by a dude then got picked up by a different dude like 12 mins later🤔 that's crazy timing
how to tie a tie
She’s probably dead already.
I’m glad they found her and put that fool away!!
I live in St. Louis this case was horrible until he got caught
The boyfriend was sitting outside watching her. And when she pulled up he called her outside. Took that girl n killed her . He set the car on fire because the blood 🩸 evidence was all over the car . Basically he a bitch for that
He killed her and put her body where nobody will ever find her. Mom needs to go ahead and put on that black dress.
Why are the black victim’s videos so short? And why is there a white hand setting the alarm at 7:01?
Dead Or was trafficked…. Are the only things that may happen
Update; the boyfriend, Ray Ellis pled guilty to murder and was sentenced to life (30 years)in prison but he must serve 85% of his sentence before he’s eligible for parole. He was also convicted of two other counts of using a firearm and tampering with evidence and he got 11 years for those and the two sentences must be served consecutively so basically the earliest he could get out is after 36 years when he’s in his mid 60’s. His brother also pled guilty it was sentenced to 4 years
Don't take a genius to know the bf did it
So she just left one dude and went with another one 10 minutes later 🙄
They have found and convicted the murderer. Thank goodness!