What the hell kind of police department hook up is this. Hes doing all of this beating and last seen with, but yet the only thing he is getting arrested for is the drug charges. COME ON NOW!!!! He can sit in jail on suspicion of murder and then attempted murder while they build up a case. WTF is happening around here.
What he did in the past says a lot. I would lay odds that he killed both of them. I hope he is found guilty and received the death penalty. Don't allow him to plead guilty so he can spend the rest of his life behind bars.
We need to have consistent sentences for murder. This was an execution and some people get life for less. This ugly bitch deserves to spend her life behind bars. She got off easy bc of her police cadet status.
He should have been charged with murder or involvement with her disappearance the moment he burned her car this man was able to kill two girls and basically get away with it.
Jesus… what more do they need? I've seen NUMEROUS cases convicted on wayyy less circumstantial evidence than this! I get it, i really do, you get one bite at that apple. But he wasn't arrested then, and now another beautiful woman is dead because of that. I know the remains were Kara's, and that he was charged. But, just the in between kills me, absolutely kills me.
I am absolutely done founded at this police station. Two girls are missing tied to the same guy the guy is caught burning one of thems car, I mean what is his excuse for burning that car?
Did I hear them say the remains were found not too far from where they went missing???? That’s makes me want to scream 😩 it begs the question, why weren’t they found sooner!!!!!!!!!!! RIP Baby girls 👼🏻👼🏻🙏
He's finally sitting in cass county jail awaiting trial on 2 counts of murder in the first degree and 2 counts of abandoment of a corpse… The girls WILL have the last word. #JusticeForKara#JudticeForJessica
not to blame the victim but Jessica knew this guys is a psycho… she was even there when Andrea Isom came to interview him about Kara and she still was dating him. bad things happen when you hang with bad people… there are consequences for bad decisions.
This story is heartbreaking no parent should go through that. If he had something to do with it; I hope they will charge him with capital murder and face the death penalty
Ugh not a balloon release 😑
He needs his face beaten in
He a serial killer in the making it’s probably more victims out there
If the police had done their job..the second mother wouldn't have lost her daughter
What the hell kind of police department hook up is this. Hes doing all of this beating and last seen with, but yet the only thing he is getting arrested for is the drug charges. COME ON NOW!!!! He can sit in jail on suspicion of murder and then attempted murder while they build up a case. WTF is happening around here.
He looks evil
How is this guy not under the jail? And he’s only in jail for burning a car??
Great that this two are lovers now.. R.i.p.
evidently, if you wanna get away with killing people…move to that town, jeez
What he did in the past says a lot. I would lay odds that he killed both of them. I hope he is found guilty and received the death penalty. Don't allow him to plead guilty so he can spend the rest of his life behind bars.
We need to have consistent sentences for murder. This was an execution and some people get life for less. This ugly bitch deserves to spend her life behind bars. She got off easy bc of her police cadet status.
He should have been charged with murder or involvement with her disappearance the moment he burned her car this man was able to kill two girls and basically get away with it.
Jesus… what more do they need? I've seen NUMEROUS cases convicted on wayyy less circumstantial evidence than this! I get it, i really do, you get one bite at that apple. But he wasn't arrested then, and now another beautiful woman is dead because of that. I know the remains were Kara's, and that he was charged. But, just the in between kills me, absolutely kills me.
How many ladies are they gonna let the loose bitch kill before they burn his ass geesh the justice system for ya!!!smfh
Those women are truly an inspiration. 💖
Death penalty plz!
Karas body sat there for ten years and not one person went there until last year?
The moms are so strong to be there for each other like that. God bless them
No girl should be found like that EVER but it’s good that both mothers can build strength off of one another. Hope that pos rots in prison
You know who killed both girls arrest him!
That is so cool how close the Mom's have become!
Those Poor Mothers & Daughters! So sad these sick individual's think they can just take somebody's life like it's nothing!
This man was in the beginning stages of serial killing…..scary.
I am absolutely done founded at this police station. Two girls are missing tied to the same guy the guy is caught burning one of thems car, I mean what is his excuse for burning that car?
That fool is crazy asf!!!!!!!
I hope he gets the death penalty
People who doing these types of crimes should be hang or short in public coz they deserve that justice.
I’m glad that the mothers have each other even though it’s such a tragic reason.
I know it's of no consequence but Kyler sounds eerily similar to Killer.
Did I hear them say the remains were found not too far from where they went missing???? That’s makes me want to scream 😩 it begs the question, why weren’t they found sooner!!!!!!!!!!! RIP Baby girls 👼🏻👼🏻🙏
Wow a killer
Why do women keep going out with wacko men…just look at the sob
He has Now been charged with Both girlz Murder as of 2017
If he killed my daughter there would be no waiting for justice!!!
He did not age well lol
So he’s confessed to strangle both of them. What an asshole!
So the other one was Kara and this idiot have been charged with both murders.
He's finally sitting in cass county jail awaiting trial on 2 counts of murder in the first degree and 2 counts of abandoment of a corpse… The girls WILL have the last word. #JusticeForKara #JudticeForJessica
If they would of arrested him when he confessed umm a confession Jessica would still be alive…
I can't wait till pretty boy goes to prison for murdering those girls. He's gonna be the Belle of the Ball … 😂😂😂
not to blame the victim but Jessica knew this guys is a psycho… she was even there when Andrea Isom came to interview him about Kara and she still was dating him.
bad things happen when you hang with bad people…
there are consequences for bad decisions.
Give him death
I guess he gotta kill one more girl in order for him to be convicted btw who in they right mind would have a baby with him
If he ever gets out he'll kill again!
It was Kara
For Anyone watching they did dna testing on the second set of bones and they are Kara's. He has not been charged still.
This story is heartbreaking no parent should go through that. If he had something to do with it; I hope they will charge him with capital murder and face the death penalty
Really cops, theres not enough circumstantial evidence!!