Bob Bashara, the man convicted of ordering a hit on his wife, speaks to #CrimeWatchDaily and tells his side.
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Bob Bashara, the man convicted of ordering a hit on his wife, speaks to #CrimeWatchDaily and tells his side.
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Well, he had his last breath "Master Bob" died in prison at 62 in August 2020.
There is something about this judge that never sat well with me and I always wondered why seeing as how I agreed with her perspective. Her lying in her professional life and constant smirking when speaking about others failures, murders, embarrassment has my meter pegging on the sociopathic spectrum.
When he licks his lips in court 🤮
This guy was guilty as hell, but this judge does not act with the professionalism demanded of a judge.
Good news ! Bob is dead. So is his mother though and Janes. Rest In Peace to the mothers. Bob can rot in hell.
He's got a good story
You can't be a pacifist and be a Christian it's just not biblical, Bob is on his way to hell but only he can change that
I wish they would stop showing that salacious lip licking! It’s revolting!
“ I’m not here to please anyone. I’m here to be a tool of justice’. ~ Judge Vonda Evans~
The judge is great. Bob is dead. He died in prison
Finally Bob Bashara died in prison.somwhere there is a element of conspiracy by the police against Bob. Maybe they hatched a plan and made Joe to testify against him. Nobody can call it a open and shut case. Somewhere there is a doubt if Bob is guilty or not .Too late .RIP.
"We are all dealt a hand in the game of life. Many of us have high cards, many of us have low cards. But inevitably, it really didn't matter. It's how you play the game." – Judge Vonda Evans
Master Blob is dead and now burning in hell!
so he’s a Christian and a pacifist who doesn’t believe in violence? Didn’t he choke out a woman in Oregon?
Always someone else’s fault.
That just is full of love and light
Judge Evans the best!
God Bless this wonderful Judge.
He died in jail yesterday. No cause of death has been announced
bob is ridiculous and disgusting. so much points to him, he is guilty.
How can a judge call him a "gentle giant" when he broke Bob's wife's neck. Ridiculous the rationalizations concocted.
That judge wants to be judge Judy. Hamming it up for the camera
Judge Evans can get it 😍
The judge is crooked and courpt and Bob is guilty
Bob Bashara's sex life does not prove that he is a murderer. I admit I did not watch the entire trial. I have only watched the interviews and some other pod casts about the subject. I saw the guy that admitted he killed Bob's wife and told everyone Bob paid him to do it.. No one has presented any real evidence. As for Bob hiring an undercover cop to kill his wife's confessed murderer; I wonder how many people would grab at the opportunity to avenge their wife's murder.
She is one of the GREATS!!! There are few judges who break it down simple and plain and put them in their place before she puts them behind bars to live as the animals they are for as long as possible. Keep up the great work Judge!! #WomanJudgesRock
Lol if anything this judge would have been nicer to him after hearing about his love for all low income kind of people that most of us imagine in our heads……
Bob's tongue should be cut off, put in a jar and be forced to do hard time, separately. Crime: being disgusting, iindecent and grotesque! Punishment: Life in a cell, solitary confinement!
What's with the lizard tongue !!
I genuinely like judge Vonda Evan's thoroughness and diligence, in the court of law and making sure to be fair yet intelligent with her words, actions and sentencing. She is a strong woman for others to look up to. #JudgeVondaEvans #JusticeIsServed
The Judge Should Have Order a Roll of Duct Tape for Bob's Mouth tho. Or gave him the Option of Keeping that Tongue in his mouth lol .
I really Found it Really Very Sad , When the Daughter was on the Stand . Telling the Court of How Her dad took Her Mother's Ring . Then giving them to his so called girlfriend .
Bob is such a liar
This judge needs to take over for Judge Judy when she retires. She needs her own show!
Awesome, Judge Evans! We need more like you in the Courts!!!
Ole Bob needs to learn how to kill folks if he wants em dead so often because he’s no good at hiring hitmen
The judge is crooked
Egomaniacal jurisprudence.
'Jack of manipulation, master of none'. How TF does a line that cringy get past judges first glance?
How would you describe the man that beat her head and stomped on her neck and killed her: 'Gentle Giant"
Great thumbnail
The Judge knew the Law and was not manipulated by this man. She is extremely sharp Lady who knows what she's doing!!
Master Bob's a piece of shit it needs to be executed no life sentence killed his wife he needs to be executed the bastard No 3 meals a day no Recreation for 1 hour he took her life now you need to take kiss tired of people paying tax money for people like that he needs to be executed you need to change the freaking law