Man With Multiple Names Possibly Killed Allenstown 4 – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Man With Multiple Names Possibly Killed Allenstown 4 – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Bob Evans, who goes by several other names, is accused of killing multiple women in Allenstown.

Crime Watch Daily’s previous coverage of this story:

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28 thoughts on “Man With Multiple Names Possibly Killed Allenstown 4 – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

  1. this video is now old so here is the update, case known as Bear Brook murder, all identified but 1. 'mother' is Marlyse Honeychurch, child age 7 is Marie Vaughn, unidentified child aged between 2-4 and 11 month old Sarah McWaters. They disappeared in 1978. Although they don't know if the 'mother' is the mother she is just related so could be aunt etc. but she was dating 'bob evans'.

  2. frame 1:04 Gypsy Rose

    and the frame 2:01 man has another name Robinson or Robertson, and look in the Manson files! And Frame 1:39 the woman is Kathy Melvin aka Rosemary West, the man Curtis and both are in the American Annuals 1970s i think it was in trouble fore something having to do with selective services i think! I have photos of it on my facebook posts somewhere!

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