Man Who Sexually Assaulted Sleeping Wife Accused Of Voyeurism – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

Man Who Sexually Assaulted Sleeping Wife Accused Of Voyeurism – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

A woman discovers footage of her husband sexually assaulting her in her sleep. The same man is accused of leaving his phone in a public bathroom to record people while they’re using it.

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25 thoughts on “Man Who Sexually Assaulted Sleeping Wife Accused Of Voyeurism – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

  1. Sleep rape does excists and con artists too. My ex was a covert narcissist and he sleep raped me as well. At the time I found out we've already been together for many years. Narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths are the sickest fucking bastards on this planet. They are the very best actors in the world and extremely good in hiding their thoughts and secrets, if they knew you would freak out. Read something about emotional abuse by these predators and who they target, than talk again. IQ has nothing to do with it.

  2. p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ w̶h̶o̶ r̶a̶p̶e̶ t̶h̶e̶i̶r̶ p̶a̶r̶t̶n̶e̶r̶ a̶r̶e̶ t̶h̶e̶ w̶o̶r̶s̶t̶
    my mistake-
    The people that rape, or sexual assault or/abuse anybody are the worst type of people.

  3. listen people I know your soft hearted americans young and think this is wrong but obviously you lot have never been in a relationship for 12YEARS!!!!!! but just think to throw all that away over something so little just think if this was reversed to you think this would of gone to court let alone been sentenced to 20YEARS!!! in prison I know your from this timeline of thinking its oh binery oh consent and all this but these people who talk consent consent have never been raped so just think about that before you slag of someone whos made a mistake would you say the same if roles were reversed I think not this is sexist biased and I do not agree with the decision the couple should have worked things out by them self if not parted ways

  4. When drugging and raping your own wife gets you only house arrest and he does this vile crap again… what does that say for the justice system? What does it say about the judge who chose that flimsy of a legal consequence?

  5. Please karma justice hurry against evil demons. Doing Voyeurism most intimate privacy peeping toms have always been criminal conduct disorder violating defenseless

  6. I really don't get what would possess someone to film someone at the toilet. That's a disguisting place and they could get some really gross footage out of that. There is so much porn online. This is just plain uneeded even.

  7. I CANNOT believe this…really??? really???? Judge????? REALLY?????? You had one job and it was to make sure this case gets the proper justice it deserves and what do you do put him on HOUSE ARREST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the SAME house that the crime occurred on multiple occasions. This is just ridiculous! Like the way he raped her is even more worse than normal rape.
    Okay granted normal rape is enormously terrible/horrible and I hope it never happens to anyone but with normal rape at least the victim is aware of what’s happening so much so that they can fight back and defend themselves and possibly end up escaping before the actual rape happens…

    But with this kind of Rape…she was DRUGGED, she was SLEEPING, she was UNAWARE of what was being done to her, and alas she COULDN’T protect herself
    she COULD NOT fight back
    she COULDN’T DEFEND HERSELF and get away safe and sound….she was unable to do all of the things that the victim of rape would normally have a slight chance of being able to do she couldn’t call out and she was being recorded too
    She trusted this man to take care of her and protect her, she trusted him with everything she had, and he broke it just like that for his probably sick fantasies
    And she also trusted this Judge???(if he can even be called such because he’s obviously not doing his job right or else the ex husband would be behind bars for 123 yrs) she felt safe that he would do the right thing and put him behind bars but what does he do basically let’s him off the hook and puts him on house arrest in the one place that the crime started in…that’s like being locked from the outside in your own house where your family was murdered
    Judge was prolly sexist or covering for him
    No offense to boy judges because Ik there’s MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY male judges out there in the world who aren’t like that and would have most likely given him a far worst sentence than anything and I really wish that a judge like that would have been the one responsible for the Ex Husband’s sentence

  8. as someone who watches porn, i sometimes find videos of people raping others titled misleadingly(usually men raping women, don’t hate me) and in the comments, people are saying, “so sexy,” and commenting things about what they would do to the victim…

    it’s disgusting. porn should involve consent. in which everybody agrees to making the video. from upskirting to in their sleep, it’s so messed up.

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