Man Kills Grandmother, Sets House On Fire – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Man Kills Grandmother, Sets House On Fire – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Anthony Sena was found guilty of first degree murder in his grandmother Susan Hernandez’s death. She was bludgeoned before her home was set on fire to cover up what happened.

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39 thoughts on “Man Kills Grandmother, Sets House On Fire – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

  1. I suggest you take my advice seriously and find yourself a local practitioner and a library 📚 card for your own protection and for those around you…from yourselves

  2. Why set a grandma in fire!? You could’ve said “sorry ma’am I’m unable to fix it I’m not the fight dude or man for this” WHY SET HER ON FIRE?! SHES A LOVELY GRANDMA WHY?! WHY!?

  3. Okay so what confuses me most is that her own daughter who lives 45 minutes away had to drive down to witness her mothers house on fire…why didn’t the neighbors notice this or call 911??? Why didn’t they do anything?? Does she even have next door neighbors?🙄🤔

  4. This suspect is disgustingly evil. There was no need to kill that old woman like that. She's already fragile and old. I hate people that kill children and old people. I'm mean all murderers are disgusting. But especially one's that kill children and old people. There is a reservation in hell for these people.

  5. Hearing Katrina screaming on the phone was just absolutely chilling and the pain and terror in her voice is just terrifying and I cry too for their loss of such a beautiful matriarch who remind me a lot of my spiritual grandmother who like Mrs Hernandez is the matriarch if her adult kids and well loved and respected by her family and took care of all of them and welcomes me to her family as if she was my blood related grandmother; and Mrs Hernandez looks like my spiritual grandmother closely which is why this case got my attention and affected me like that Said Sisters Honor Killing case.

  6. I remember watching this and I remember who did it and the reason why the person did it was it's the most dumbest reason ever. The call was so heartbreaking imagine seeing your mother in front of you set on fire.

  7. The poor little guy just needed to blow off some steam. Everyone needs to just get on with their lives and try to help him return to a normal life. Forget about all the previous negative stuff that went on. This boy’s mental health and well being are the most important thing, the other stuff doesn’t matter anymore and needs to be forgotten. This family needs a lesson in forgiveness, big time !! They do seem to have a flare for histrionics, lol 😂

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