Michael Williams of Tallahassee, Florida went missing after going hunting. He went missing on his sixth wedding anniversary with wife Denise. He was presumed eaten by alligators, but the weather was cold at the time of his disappearance, and no parts of his body have ever been found.
More on this story here: https://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/09/30/mystery-at-lake-seminole-missing-florida-man-presumed-eaten-by-alligators/
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I truly feel for his mother who is so heartbroken and most likely right about him being murdered
Update: Brian Winchester confessed to killing Mike and being in cahoots with the wife. He shot Mike after he made him fall out of the boat then took the body elsewhere and dug a hole. He only confessed after the wife put him in jail for his stunt.
My heart goes out to Mikes family and his daughter. I couldnt imagine having to hear your mother had another man kill your dad for money.
Add fifth part about the real alligator 🐊 Dennis the Wife
This is karma coming back to bite her
old thread, but what staggers me about this is that DW thought she could just hogtie and dispense with her accomplice, the guy who delivered her the payday, and walk off unscathed, after leaving him high & dry in the divorce settlement. her self-delusion was something to behold. she may indeed have felt threatened, but going to the cops and destroying him publicly was not exactly a master move. she seems to have gotten to the point where she calculated that she could feed him dirt and he would still have something left to lose by testifying against them both. they're both lower than whale poop, but i find the machinations interesting to watch, in a macabre way.
Well, I guess Brian Winchester was appropriately named. I sure hope this case gets solved
Karma lady…
The Christian school should have taught some Hinduism
I want to hurt Denise in a big way
She better tell mom truth and she big bitch like super
She would not wish it on anyone really but she did not have a problem wishing it on her first husband.
She just wished it on her husband
Please don't let her out, payback is a bitch, and now karma came after her, I hope she regrets her decision getting her husband killed.
That's when u messed up, lying witch!!!
Rest In Peace Michael Williams.
I love watching these then google it and find out justice has been served
Well gosh Denise, you couldn't be more obvious…
They found her and she’s in jail now for killing her x
2 years later, both scumbags are convicted of Mike's murder. Look at God! 🙏🏾
Murder of Michael Williams; suspect on trial trial: (Part 1)
Comes over as pretending. Go try to fool someone else
How is it that the wife is so beautiful on the outside but hideous on the inside.
Lock up the alligators! ( Denise Merrel & Brian Winchester)
Denise Williams found guilty on all counts!
Thst denise will not last. They both killed him. N they both should pay the price. Period. The bible says. Whatever u sow u weep the say. Therefkrth they both will never have peace in tbeir lifes. N akso i believe mike n his family have faith n came a christian home. There his spirit will lives n hunt both of them tbe rest of their lives. But sorry to the mother of mike n nick
Strangest thing about the whole matter.
Why would she cut ties with her mother in law and not let the family have anything to do with her granddaughter.
That right there is a suspicious act.
Why in the world would she get married to her missing(dead) husband's best friend?
Their both Guilty as Sin.
May Mike RIP and the family finally get Justice.
Now you know how your Mike felt, when you convinced Brian to kill him.
What an idiot Denise is. What did she think was going to happen when she had her 2nd husband (the same guy she conspired with to have Mike murdered) arrested and sentenced to 20 years?! Did she really think he was going to remain quiet?
This is the type thing that stops me from getting life insurance for my mom. I want her to do it and not tell me who the beneficiaries are. I have life insurance and the beneficiaries don't have a clue who or what percentage.
If Batman was real he'd kill both these mofuckas
Her trial for first degree murder starts Dec 2018
And the Academy Award goes to. Fake Blonde Narcissist. Soon to be # 912067
Does she deserve to live?
Denise Wiliiams is charged with 1st degree murder and she is in jail now!!!!
Inside job! Karma! Lookout your cell awaits you both!what about child!
Denise Williams has been arrested for the murder of Mike Williams. Finally, after all of these years, Mr. William's family can have some form of closure. Article from Yahoo news section:
She’s charged now xD
she was just indicted for Mikes murder this morning they found Mikes body back in December and said it was evident he had been murdered and they showed up and arrested her this morning I’m glad she can finally rot in prison