Michael Williams of Tallahassee, Florida went missing after going hunting. He went missing on his sixth wedding anniversary with wife Denise. He was presumed eaten by alligators, but the weather was cold at the time of his disappearance, and no parts of his body have ever been found.
More on this story here: https://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/09/30/mystery-at-lake-seminole-missing-florida-man-presumed-eaten-by-alligators/
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Guilty people do the most, if a person is not guilty, they would cooperate smh
That Snoopy seater is just too adorable.
He successfully held down two jobs in COLLEGE?! Dude I'm in college and I don't even have ONE yet. It's heartbreaking to know someone with that potential is no longer here.
We need a Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys.
Thank G d for the mother. Thank G d the bitch wife is FINALLY going on trial.
poor grandmother
so sad
I don't see how the wife was 'beautiful'. Not even on her best day.
Such unconditional love from his mom.
i dont think his mom shoul have tails like a 12 years girl….
"They never found mike or his body" what else would they have found of mike? Don't mean to be insensitive but that was a dumb choice of words
Denise rot in jail
That stupid bitch has the audacity to threaten her MIL. Lock her up already!!
Yeah but what if Mike took the waders off real fast to try and drop weight off to get out of there fast. Either that or he's living a double life lol
If Denise was black she be in prison by now
Fuck that bitch denise..mom u better get that detective investigate and lock that cray bitch up
At 3:34 her face looks like she is farting
I love Crime Watch.
It was prolly the wife but she for sure planted that stuff to declare him dead and get the money
It was the wife and his so called friend. They started openly dating a short while after he's been supposedly" missing".
omg what if he wasn't in a happy marriage and just up and left and went into hiding???