Man Disappears After Getting Catfished – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Man Disappears After Getting Catfished – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Arizona man and correctional officer Cody Virgin disappeared after going to meet “Paige Woods,” a woman with whom he had been communicating online. His body was found burned near the Coolidge airport. William D. Randolph was arrested on suspicion of first-degree murder in Virgin’s death. Crime Watch Daily talks to Virgin’s brother Tony and his cousins Conner Day and Cissy Torres about what happened.

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34 thoughts on “Man Disappears After Getting Catfished – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

  1. The worst thing you can do is find a partner online you never know who is on the other side of my screen and do you actually think that I will give any man or woman money that I have never met in person. women's and men's soft for this. I understand sometimes people want to get a companion and fall in love but this is not the right way best ways to pray and ask God to give you that partner it's like to have a couple drinks and come out with a boyfriend you're not going to have a boyfriend you're going to have an alcoholic. Sorry for the victim that fell for this but it's wrong. Sometimes some of them is so good that they don't even get caught about leaving a person homeless broke without nothing how can they sleep at night

  2. My opinion…
    William made the catfish account so he could get evidence for Nataly that Cody was talking to other women and win her back.
    Nataly had access to Cody's Facebook so likely knew about the messages anyway and then possibly planned revenge on Cody with William by luring Cody with the catfish account, hence her status on Facebook about revenge, on the night Cody was murdered which she then deleted quite quickly, probably realising that wouldn't look good on her part.
    I agree with his brother that she knows more than she's saying, do I think she directly carried out the murder? No, but I do believe she knew it was going to happen and did nothing to stop it.
    R.I.P Cody.

  3. Why he wants to meet a stranger from the internet who you never have been spoken with or neither see on the phone only once?
    In the middle of nowhere literally nobody ever would do this and never ever a CO on duty.

    So my opinion is maybe she was not a girl but a boy and he have to hide the fact that he meet boys behind his family and girlfriend's back for sex or whatever.

    And he have to meet him in the desert because someone from this small town could maybe see him and his date.
    If that was the case the question remains if his girlfriend found out about his second live and lose it completely?

    Or his date is upset because he wants more than sex or don't want to hide no longer the relationship and lose it also?
    Who knows….
    Its a very mysterious case.

    Sorry for my poor english iam not a native speaker. 😬

  4. Feb 2022: Charged with First Degree Murder, William D. Randolph still hasn't been tried! It's been five years. First his defense said they weren't ready, then Covid came. No date set yet.

  5. Not that cheating should get you murdered and being young and dumb you make mistakes, but I really dislike how everyone acts like this guy was a saint, when he was literally cheating on his GF. I'm sure there's much more to the story.

  6. that dick will get you into trouble, boys. you ain't grown til you learn how to control that boner.
    this was the worst case scenario, but he still could have caught herpes and brought that home to his gf. cheating is a shitty thing to do to someone you care about. how would you feel if someone did that to you?
    Its the golden rule.

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