A jury convicted 23-year-old Tony Moreno of killing his 7-month-old son Aaden.
More on this here: https://crimewatchdaily.com/2017/02/22/jury-convicts-middletown-man-in-death-of-infant-son/
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A jury convicted 23-year-old Tony Moreno of killing his 7-month-old son Aaden.
More on this here: https://crimewatchdaily.com/2017/02/22/jury-convicts-middletown-man-in-death-of-infant-son/
Check your local listings at http://crimewatchdaily.com
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This man wanted to avoid paying "Childsupport" and was demental! With all these evidence on cell phone judge denied restraining order! Way to go judge! Now sue this judge! Sad story and to know I been there with a man like Moreno in my past. Those scars never heal! But for this woman it is worse than my story! I am so sorry you had to go through this 😢
He was sentenced to 70 years..we all know the sentence he should have gotten
Chris Hansen!
What is wrongwith these people
These judges need to be held accountable
I’m sobbing
Evil, thats evil! That fake crying hes clearly proud of killing his child 7 month old! Thats sick
Something that people who kill don't realize is that, time goes quickly by, and they end up old, alone and regretful. Life is so short.
He could've had an adult son in time, and maybe a new relationship. I just don't know how these people think.
🕊As Khalil Gibran said "children come through us but are not of us. U can house their bodies but not their souls". All life is sacred. Horrible horrible people in our beautiful world. 🤦🏻♀️🙏
Why even have a child if you’re just going to dispose of it like garbage
What is the point of murdering someone else if you are just going to kill yourself? So disgustingly selfish. Just take yourself out and leave everyone else alone!!! UGH!!! Sick and heartbreaking. That poor, sweet baby.
Hope he rots in hell poor baby:(
Oh my God how can you do that your baby drowned suffered how could you do that poor child was gasping for air while drowning they need to drown him .. And then pull him back up right before he drowns and do it again so he will see what his child went through
This is one of the reason i cant take out of sight my baby son,,this is heartbreaking,evil
The most horrific case I have ever seen.. Poor baby 🙁
It pisses me off how women have babies with all these men and never know them.
That guy has sunk to a new low by dropping his 7 month old son to his death. I mean what kind of monster can do that to a very young child? What did that child do to him? Nothing! That guy is disgusting. 😡
The real question is why tf did he have his son sitting on the ledge of a fucking bridge wtf… idc if you’re holding him or not why are you on the damn bridge with this 7month old baby
Would anyone have children if the children got to pick their parents?
He was piss he didn’t make it as QB! So he wanted to practice on the kid
I wanna know if we would have as much crime, if the parents who raised monsters like this, were also held just as accountable for there child's actions would these parents pay more attention to signs there kids need help, if they were at risk of going to prison, no matter how young or old there kids were
So heartbreaking 💔😭
I may not be that religious but I sure as heck believe there is a special place down below for people like this sick man.
No one shows an infant a tour at night off a bridge
How could he throw a baby into the river 90 feet above? No conscience!
🙁 wtf that poor baby rip little man😭❤️🖤
That’s the biggest bologna story I have ever heard. I hope the dad gets ACCIDENTALLY dropped in prison. The mother needs charged as well. She KNEW he was abusive. This poor baby suffered his NASTY parents.
You dropped him, that is a fat lie
Hanging your son over a bridge is fu**ing horrific but throwing an innocent baby over it. You are a MONSTER 👹
Fuckin idiot, "I didn't mean to kill my baby"
Throws baby off of the bridge
disgusting!! Hope he gets punished badly in jail!! Rest In Peace baby. Hugs to the mom
How can you go on with life when the life you gave is gone
This makes me so sick to my stomach. My girl is the same age and I cannot even imagine.
Omg rip baby boy🥺 💙
Sick fuck, too cowardly to even own up to what he did.