A grandfather named Daniel Furlong admitted to sexually assaulting and killing a little girl named Jodi Parrack. Officer Ray McCann was initially sentenced to 20 months to 20 years in prison for her death.
Full story here: https://crimewatchdaily.com/2017/02/23/jodi-parrack-murder-solved-8-years-after-suspicion-cast-on-ex-cop/
Check your local listings here: http://crimewatchdaily.com
Donnie dye had tashieka with blood on a chair with arms tied behind back and blood from scalped head before her death . now I know why he kicked me out of Walmart. he didn't kill her but was invited in her kidnapping.
They can play this sick shit on youtube but yet they wont show a woman nude doing yoga…wtf
Plz spare the details of our little victims. We don't need to hear it.
I can't believe it cream and drinks are more important than a child I mean come on man
How are we the same species, I don't understand …
Damn this is just fucking scary…death penalty ?
2nd degree murder?!? How dare we call this a “justice” “system” …it is neither of those things.
How about stop locking these predators up in protective custody…lock them up in general population
I hope some men in jail deal with him real good for doing such a terrible thing to that little girl
That poor little girl oh my God this is so heartbreaking
Evil guy…RIP
I can't even fathom this. What a monster.
Poor baby . id be terrifide to leave kids around that man
Why not life sentence or death. What a horrible man
Well I guess his goose is cooked now
Grandpa is probably already out on probation knowing our weak jewdiciary system.
what kind of "parents" raise these absolute monsters in America?
Enjoy those inmates… they don't like child predators…
Imagine being so pathetic that you hurt someone that can't even defend themselves.
There's so much evil bullshit going on.
Poor child!! When she said “stop please, I’ll come back” just broke my heart!
Where is the death penalty? To let him live is a disgrace to the victim.
When there's no doubt about the crime authoring death penalty should be applied IMO.
i’m no where near catholic but how y’all bring god into ur confessions when you acting like r kelly
Those who murder children need to have the same things done to them that they have done to their victims.
He probably got stab to death in prison by now
He deserves capital punishment. He has no remorse at all. Sounds like a serial killer. I pray for the family of the little girl. May her soul rest in peace.
Our system sux. We have to feed and house this p. o. s. For the rest of his life while there are so many of us that would gladly provide the bullet.
I will never understand the sexual attraction to children. Never! My natural instinct is to protect nurture and love a child.
People like this need to get the death penalty and not wait for years, but weeks or months.
The words he uses are sickening.
I played with her.
I decided to get rid of her.
Like she was a piece of garbage instead of a living breathing human being.
A child at that.
Personally I would consider myself a pretty emotional guy. I wasn't always that way but over the years I've been through alot.
I can't begin to imagine what it must be like not feel emotional on the level these people do.
There are things I did wrong back when I was a teen almost 30 years ago and when they pop into my mind I cringe.
These guy raped and murdered a little girl as she begged for her life and he's eating pizza & drinking coffee while telling the story.
Man, if I could to find you, I would something that you could not resist. Bastard
Vile dirty poor excuse for a human being 🤬
Wait!?! What!?! 30-60 yrs?? He killed that baby in one of the most horrific ways possible, and he didn’t get the death penalty. That’s just as disgusting as the crime! There is no justice for what he did. Monster!! Not even human.
Cause there's no preventative justice, never have to face their actions, true narrative nor emotions.
Boy is probably dead already, we don’t play that shit here in TDC.
Schizophrenia means "split mind". He talks like he has several personalities or people inside of him. Obviously he couldn't control his demons.
He killed them both
no child should fall prey to such a monster just horrific i hope she is at peace
If someone did this to one of my kids,or my grandkids and I knew who the piece of crap was I would kill him with my own two hands!
that guy look scary af
I'd go to prison just to kick this shit out of him daily.
What a monster. Sorry mom you were right they're not under the bed these monsters are walking amongst us.
Death penalties and kild killers
Deserve the death penalty
30-60 years! Wtf?! My "friend" got life because he had a bad habit of stealing CARS! All child murderers should receive DEATH! Eradicate them from this earth.
People that do sick, evil things to children should have those same things done to them
U monsterrrr😈😈😈😠
This man… these type of people are really disgusting. It just sickens me to see this, I hope the girl's family is okay.