DNA analyst Keeley Coleman testified in court Monday about DNA found at the burial site crime scene on ‘doomsday prophet’ Chad Daybell’s property. The analyst confirmed a hair found on duct tape that was wrapped around J.J. Vallow’s remains matched DNA from Lori Vallow Daybell. Lori is on trial for the murder of her son — J.J. — along with the murders of her daughter Tylee Ryan and her husband Chad’s late wife Tammy Daybell.
#LoriVallowDaybell #JJVallow #LawAndCrime
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She should be put to death for her crimes the same way she killed her children. He should have to watch and go through the same. You know, complete the circle of their so-called doomsday.
I'm shocked the defense attorney went after the accuracy of the DNA test, in a way that even I spotted the biggest flaw in, instead of the ways in which the DNA could have gotten on the tape. Like neither is a great option, but at least one is plausible, the idea the DNA test is wrong is far less so. 😮
Anyone else feel like this cross examination was just pathetic ??
If the tape was in her car or home it’s possible that her hair got on that tape without her there. What if her hair was on the killers clothes? Is that the only evidence?
Too many adverts!
it bugs me how you all have the most evidence of any channel, but the presentation (not your fault) gets the least clicks. you have random chicks doing their makeup with speculation gettting more views than facts. its annoying.
She threw Shrimpton tantrums over a prettier woman's looks. She's a narcissist.
What a vile piece of trash
wonder how Peter Griffin was able to convince doomsday mom to unalive her children
Chad is a Complete Narcissist, with "Small Man Syndrome."‼️
The BS he fed these people, &. they unfortunately bought it.
So many Lives are now Destroyed, forever.😞
Bye Lori👋☠️
She is guilty and she knows it they have enough evidence to lock her up for life and that’s what she deserves to never see the outside of a jail cell ever again
That murderer Lori Daybell is Casey Anthony 2.0 SHOCKER!!!!! 🙄
JJ administered justice from the grave. Sleep in peace little man.
I could see all of them doing the acts together as like a blood brother/blood sister like bond. In their messed up cult.
IMO Lori put the bag over JJ’s head and he fought for his life (scratches) as she got help from Alex with the tape. She’s a POS evil monster & the wrath’s coming down hard.
What horrible people. They both need to spend the rest of they're lives in prison looking over they're shoulders for someone else killing zombies
It’s not just the hair that makes her guilty. Let’s be reasonable. And that’s all you have to be is sure beyond a reasonable doubt. There’s no doubt in my mind. Is there any other explanation for these two children’s deaths? No. You don’t have to have DNA to convict a criminal. It’s definitely helpful but all circumstances should be taken into account.
Finding Lori's hair on JJ shows that she was the one to give the orders to eliminate the Charles, Tylee & JJ, I am sure Chad gave the order to eliminate Tammy and helped in the task, we all know Alex was the Angle of death with help from both Chad & Lori, he definitely didn't act alone. I am sure if we could go back to the death of Joseph Ryan I am positive Lori gave the order for Alex to eliminate him as well. Unfortunately, we can't. Lori & Chad are definitely going to stand beside Satan 👹 when they die, I hope they can stand the heat. 😶🌫️ 🥵 ….😂
I am so disgusted by this so called Mother.. I hope her room mates take justice. Poor sweet children.
IMO she wasn't physically there. The hair doesn't prove anything. But she conspired in it. In fact she was the instigator.
Take that sorry sadass pic off the screen. Put up the chin up arrogant pic.
What an adorable little smile on that little boy's face. In fact, take that ugly off. They shouldn't be seen together. He deserves better.
Where was the part about actually finding the hair? I feel like I listened to 47 minutes of this tech explaining DNA testing basics…
Father I know its in your hands but forgive me if my opinion sounds a little disturbing….men and women who harm children should be required to get a vasectomy and a hysterectomy (without anesthesia) because they don't deserve to have children…plus life without parole in solitary confinement…js
When someone puts victims through the trial when they could just admit guilt is the lowest …She will be locked away for life ..
It is so sad to hear.
May God bless
I actually never even pictured her at the scene or physically partaking. So it's even worse than I thought
Please stop wasting the jury's time and let them give her the Death Penalty. Anyone who can murder their children does
not deserve to to sit in jail for the rest of her life.
I wish I felt as confident as everyone else, hearing about the hair. My thoughts are closer to THAT IS IT? A child having their mother’s hair on them? I imagine my dog is wearing one or two of my hairs right now….to me it seems far from a slam dunk. Maybe I’m just paranoid because I feel like she’s gonna get away with it. It reminds me of Casey Anthony. The state there also outlined countless circumstances that showed it was Casey. But no actual evidence of being responsible for KILLING Caylee, that’s what the Jurors said. Even though there were bits and pieces of “clear” evidence, like the decomposition chemicals in Casey’s trunk, etc!
Someone talk me off the ledge, I’ve been here too long!