Jurors heard a phone call Tuesday between “doomsday cult” mom Lori Vallow Daybell and her sister, Summer Shiflet, after Lori’s children were found dead. During the call, Summer told Lori she threw away her kids like garbage while she was “dancing on a beach in Hawaii.”
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Summer looks up to lori so much I don't quite believe what she says
It amazes me how Lori's kids were murdered, but all of Chad's are living
These End of Days Prepper Groups I've never heard of. The ones I 've heard of are natural disaster prepper groups. All of the people I know growing up that lived through the Great Depression stocked up. And WW2 family planted Victory Gardens. We have electronic outages all of the time where I live in Arizona where you have to use cash if the stores are open. Our 911 system has gone down many times in the last few years.
How does Law&Crime Network choose/decide on what Murder Trials to cover and talk about? So far Law&Crime Network has not covered the: Stepmom Murder Trial – CO v. Letecia Stauch. She Murdered her 11 year old stepson in Colorado, then stuffed his dead body in a suitcase, drove across the country and dropped the suitcase with 11 year old Gannon’s dead body still in the suitcase, over a bridge. Two bridge Inspectors found the suitcase with Gannon’s body inside on March 17,2020. The stepmother Murdered Gannon on January 27,2020.
Find and post a Lori Vallow dance video
Don't have compassion for them, they don't deserve it. They knew what was going to happen to Charles, especially Summer. Look at Summer's eye movements while she talking about Charles's murder. She is definitely lying. There is more; while Lori's team was operating on Brandon's attemped murder and missed it, Summer sent a text to Lori bragging like; if it was my guy Edgar, he wouldn't have missed it." So they may have not known about kids' murder but they knew about the list of dark ratings/zombies etc. And they knew that Tylee was rated dark also. Charles told them Tylee was in danger. They simply didn't care, they are not loving people as they say. They were protifing from Lori Vallow's marriages, they assumed supporting Lori would be more beneficiary for them, everything else was a detail to them. Now they are exposed, Lori is exposed they are trying to lessen the damage to their image. Again, Charles was rated dark/zombie he got murdered, Brandon was rated dark/zombie an attempt made to murder him. They knew all along Tylee was on that list too… They did nothing to protect her. They did not even push Lori to let them to hear her voice. These are religious people but they don't a moral compass. So please don't have compassion for them…
I listened to that phone call. It was heartbreaking 💔 and Lori just was cold as ice.
God I wish they would have allowed cameras in the courtroom. I wanted to see Lori’s face. I can’t understand her mindset and wonder if she’ll ever snap out of it.
I understand why the court is only allowing audio rather than cameras in the courtroom. Full blown TV access adds another level of sensationalism which can often affect the jurors as in the OJ case.
Any news on melani bordroux being charged??? Loris neice
Have not followed this case as I am others because it's not on TV I think that is ridiculous
I was not disgusted by Summer Shiflet and Janis Cox public interview…….I assumed this is a family still stunned and divided cannot believe their daughter/son/sister/brother actions………..both wrote Alex off as a goofball who don't mean no harm and Lori as a loving caring mother when on the outside looking in I saw something else…….
but as time marched on The Cox family is broken with slowly realizing the possibility of the evil deeds of their loved ones…….who ever heard the telephone conversation between Lori and her son when he says you killed my siblings and she laughs and giggles ….I will never forget sad
Is he drunk? Looks like the male host has been drinking.
I find that Gigi should be more respectful to the situation and not be so smiley?
the kids: Tylee and JJ, Chad's wife AND, don't forget Lori's EX husband ans her brother Alex who they say died of a heart attack but we know better
…Lori: NO mental status/defense, unless influenced by, DEMONS.
I Peter 5:8; Stay Alert! Watch Out for "your great enemy," the DEVIL. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.
Throw away the key on all involved! Horrible evil people
The "monsters" who live among us!!
Oh my gosh you look just like TyLee same smile same teeth same everything you look like twins this is a sad sad sad thing and I see Lori have no remorse keep that in mind Lori has no remorse at all
They can talk about zombies all they want, it all comes down to greed. Financial gain. Collecting money from the children she got killed. It’s too disgusting. Charles changed his will just before he died. That must have made Lori so furious. Good for you, Charles. The whole thing could have been prevented if the police had taken Charles seriously. Such a shame.
Thank you Gigi! 😊
I listened to the recording earlier. The calmness in Lori's voice as she responds to Summer's tears just underlines her overall coldness.
Everyone says they would have taken the kids but what they don't understand is Lori needed the kids' monthly payments for her and Chad to live on because neither one wanted to work a real job. Between the 2 children, she got a little over $6,000 a month. This is why she got rid of them instead. IMO she wanted their money.
Great reporting Gigi ❤
It was all about freeing herself of Tylee & JJ so she could pursue her hook-up with Chubby Chad. She wanted their SS money to fund her hot pants pursuit of living a posh life with Chubby. So glad they have both been exposed for the reptiles they are.
Not a shred of regret, remorse or sorrow for whats happened. ‘Nobody knows what I’VE been through’ ffs
I have been following this case since the kids were missing and David and Lori were spotted in Hawaii when @Nateeaton w/ Idahonewsnation interview. And I am still blowed away with how much they were literally allowed to get away with, and why it took sooooo freaking long to track them down, had they found and arrested them sooner they may have not killed those kids. Just saying the system failed them babies,
Religious beliefs, even mainstream ones, are fundamentally manipulative.
The irony is that the only two zombies were the two calling everyone else zombies.
Everyone close around Lori dies – they’re no accidents to be sure.
Diagnosis: Narcissistic Psychopath (IMO)
This channel needs to stop calling her "Doomsday Cult" mom. This channel should know better…and no…I should not have to explain the reason why…good grief.
the fact she didnt see right thru her in the beginning blows my mind, or did she tho?? possibly just didnt expect her to get caught too? idk least shes speaking the truth now
No doubt this sick evil woman thinks she's following the path of Jesus's Christ as he was also persecuted, though I think she's overlooked the fact Jesus's wasn't accused of murdering his children and dumping them like trash to be forgotten. Let's not forget the damage these two have done to so many through their heinous actions and thoughts.
WoW…that was Deep…Summer's call was alot different than Colby's…and Not just bc Summer was more ''turned up'' and emotional then Colby…it was Lori's demeanor that stood out to me…I think that call with Summer was the 1st time Lori realized just how bad this was…up until then she was Still drinking The Chad Juice and was still in denial about how deep down the rabbit hole she'd gone…Summer's tone & conversation seemed to resonate alot more with her then any other time since this whole thing started…I listened to the entire call and Lori kept stating how much she Loved her kids more then I ever heard her say before…yeah, she did her usual…''you don't know what happened …you weren't there'', routine…but when Summer said…'''her kids were buried in Chad's backyard like garbage while they were lol and getting married on a beach''…Lori got really quiet…it's like she realized there's no positive way to spin that w/o sounding Horrible…she knows that No Sane Mother who claims to love their children like she was saying would ever do anything as evil as that…the whole call was just different, to me…this is a side note, but…I wonder if Summer would've thought Lori was guilty if Charles and Tammy were the only ones dead…
Word to idaho. That death penalty better not go ANYWHERE when its chads turn!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Excellent reporting. Congrats
Religion have nothing to do with this I think they use it just to do whatever they wanted. I am no a religion person, I dispate any religion.
If you want a fantastic review and timeline of what happens during the Daybell trials, tune in to Harvard Lawyer Lee– she does a great job of explaining everything!!