April Raymond, Lori Vallow Daybell’s friend she met in Hawaii, testified in court Wednesday. She claimed when the ‘doomsday cult’ mom showed up to Hawaii without her son J.J. Vallow, Lori said she “was done with him.” Lori also allegedly believed her ex-husband, Charles Vallow, was a demon. Lori is accused of killing two of her children, Tylee Ryan and J.J., along with her fifth husband’s late wife, Tammy Daybell.
#AprilRaymond #LoriVallow #LawAndCrime
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Charles Vallow…to think that he died trying to protect those kids and then those kids died…
Chad looks like Peter Griffin..
I still have to believe both " Melanie's " , Gibb & Boudreau , know much more than either have said.
VERY attractive woman ! VERY ! —–This is just tragic, all around. No winners here.—–MJL, 76 y/o
The LDS is a cult. This harpy was part of a cult within a cult.
Insanity squared.
When will Chad and Lori teleport??
Melony Gibb definitely knew everything and didn’t warn Tammy or Charles. She’s a horrible person
Seriously, why would you need to abandon your kids for the end times? What are you required to do that your kids would 'get in the way'?
The only people that are demons are her and Chad!
All religions are preposterous nonsense, but Mormonism is its own special crazy. Mormons believe that Joseph Smith stared at a magic stone that was inside a hat, and he received divine revelation. Anyone crazy enough to believe that is crazy enough to murder her kids. Christianists believe a talking snake tricked a woman into eating magic fruit. And, for thousands of years, crazy people have predicted the "end times". Well, here we all are…poorer for the fact the religion poisons everything. Amen.
I went to court one day just to stare evil in the face.
Absolutely no reaction even when they showed pictures of her dead children. She didn’t care. She didn’t even try to put on a show. The arrogance! 😡.
It’s obvious that she believes she did nothing wrong.
That wedding photos is beyond my words,but i do wonder what his children are thinking? surely they can not think their father is innocent of these crimes with all the evidence against them!! they must be missing their mother,but it is strange how Chad did not think his own children were dark,just a thought 🤔
Sorry, but this woman’s voice is croaking and difficult to listen to.
These kids and people were nothing but obstacles and baggage to these two psychos that thought they were Prophets and their little cult . many will come in my name do not follow them false teachers all of these false doctrines are of the devil he's The Great Deceiver a manipulator and liar and wants nothing more but to lead you down to the path of destruction
It’s terrifying that Lori was able to assemble “like-minded people.”
These LDS people must have just been groomed to believe insane stuff. If someone told me they met Jesus in the temple. Or they used to be married to Jesus, that they was the leader of some cult. I would run and never look back. These people believed this 💩. How were so many people this gullible? This is crazy
That dufuss holding the ukalaili (sp?) Says it all .and her pretending to dance and the smiles on their faces shows no remorse of what they left behind for the people who loved the people they murdered..
A demon named Ned. Ned isn't exactly the most terrifying name I've ever heard.
Amongst us we are living and breathing the same air with the devil. That's chilling
That religion is delusional and twisted. Lori wasnt chosen to be one of the 144k because the bible specifically states those 144k are or represent the 12 tribes of jewish who originally fled israel. Shes not jewish!! The only "possessed" people in this disgusting cult are lori and her ugly husband
The LDS church has forced their attorneys on Lori Vallow against her will. Archibald isn't defending her, he is defending the church. **I AM NOT DEFENDING HER!!!!*** simply pointing out that her attorney isn't either.
The LDS church is the most full of crap church ever
If my friend came to visit and told me she was divorcing that her husband was a demon named Ned Snider I think I would of called her husband to get her in the hospital for mental health observation this girl talks about this conversation with her and Lori as if it was a normal day in the neighborhood like they talk about demons all the time. Crazy !
I am late to this trial but have followed some of it. Who actually did the physical killing of the children? Chad? Lori or both, or was it just him? I'm confused on that part
Any one who thinks they will become a god and will be over a planet when they die are little off kilter to start with.
it should be against the law to brainwash children in cults/religions
i never knew that demons had last names. good thing she removed the kids from charles so he couldn't hurt them
That voice fry is really annoying
These are some really disturbed people!
People that use religion to justify their actions" excuses" murdering ways" is so infuriating! religion is not bad. people are
These people are frauds, they used their religion to get what and where they wanted to be & they conned others into participating.
Why do these demons have normal people names instead of weird spooky demon names. They didn't even cook this 2 before they served it.
And wearing the wedding clothes bought with the money from the dead husband murdered by her brother. Totally Satanic.
They were taught how to ferment a liquid. result =alcohol.
how bout them apples?! lack of reason, disconnect from reality, the money laundering all those things that LDS is so famous for. This is definitely a great example of religious freedom… for some people.
There’s something dangerous about fundamentalist Mormon beliefs. This whole thing reminds me of Ron & Dan Lafferty and their horrific crimes. The book Under the Banner of Heaven pointed out that Ron was a “prophet” who spoke to god directly. Kind of like Chad Daybell. Talking to god directly is a common belief to fundamentalist Mormons, not so much mainstream Mormons.
So, why were Chad’s children spared?