Lori Vallow Daybell ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Triple Murder Trial — Day 8

Lori Vallow Daybell ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Triple Murder Trial — Day 8

More witnesses took the stand Thursday, April 20 in the triple murder trial against ‘doomsday cult’ mom Lori Vallow Daybell. Testimonies included Detective Nathan Moffat, who was originally the lead investigator in the murder of Charles Vallow, Lori Daybell’s babysitter for her son JJ, the dean at JJ’s school, an FBI analyst, David Warwick, and Detective Stubbs who maps out the body cam videos the day of the search warrant and welfare check. The ‘doomsday cult’ mom is accused of murdering her two children, Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow, also Chad Daybell’s first wife, Tammy Daybell.

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37 thoughts on “Lori Vallow Daybell ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Triple Murder Trial — Day 8

  1. I am so curious about the scuffle between Chad and JJ. Makes you wonder if JJ sensed the evil in Chad. I also wonder if JJ's extermination was related to the attack.

  2. Witness is not a juror! Court order about a potential witness not hearing other witness testimony is one thing. Stop forgetting that is not the same as vetting a potential juror. UGH! Defense always finds a way to waste everyone's time.

  3. I wonder what these 2 criminals are promising their cell buddies since the world hasn't yet ended. That the 144,000 are walking astray waiting 100 years for them to get out of jail so they can lead the way?

  4. If she really believed all of the bible reincarnation bs she was throwing out there to control people, she would be telling it to the cops BUT she isn't…because she knows how to put on a good show when it works in her favor. I hope to baby jesus they put her crazyazz on the stand! "Can I buy a vowel, Pat?"

  5. I'm heartbroken for this little innocent child. 💔 there were some people who cared about him, I just wish we could turn back time, I'm sure others would wish this too. What cruel cruel 😢 people Chad, Lori and Alex were. Others are complicit too I'm sure even if just by ignoring the warning signs. I pray that JJ and Tyler are happy together in Heaven above.

  6. Who knows how many people they killed… brainwashed lori listens to brainwashed murderer chad daybell …. both brainwashed nutbags… wipe that smirky evil smile off of Lori's face. She thinks everything is fine that she murdered her kids. Oh, they're all in a special place …well, why don't you go there right now lori along with your wonderful chad…go join them… I notice how they never murder themselves.

  7. I would be dying to know (dont take that literally Lori and Chad please) if Chad would do it differently now, knowing that he has to go to Prison for the rest of his life🤔. If it was all worth it…few Months with Lori for a Lifetime in Prison. That would be very interesting to know!!

  8. Oh, wow, she is going to HATE that picture of herself!😂 I love it!! Ms. Vanity looks like she's about to turn 60, but wants to be a high school cheerleader sooooo bad 🤣

  9. The trial recorded on this day is very difficult to listen along with seems the mics are turned off at the lawyers tables during objections and statements. Feels like im listening to a onsided phone call….

  10. Oh, and by the way, it seems pertinent to add, this notion of past lives, other lives, and after lives is utter nonsense. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to support the belief in any other life than the current one. This idiocy and selfish, human greed is what got these four people murdered.

  11. I hate to be the one to break it to you David, but your wife is a conniving, liar and con artist, who rightfully should be charged with obstruction of a police investigation at the least, if not conspiracy to commit murder.

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