Lori Vallow Daybell ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Triple Murder Trial — Day 17

Lori Vallow Daybell ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Triple Murder Trial — Day 17

The husband of Lori Vallow Daybell’s niece testified about the secret recordings he made of the “doomsday cult” mom and Chad Daybell. Kauai Police Detective Colin Nesbitt testified about serving the “doomsday cult” duo papers to produce their children, which the duo would not do. Plus, an Gilbert, Arizona police officer testified about his investigation into the attempted shooting of Brandon Boudreaux, the ex-husband of Daybell’s niece.

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34 thoughts on “Lori Vallow Daybell ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Triple Murder Trial — Day 17

  1. She still may not have to be incarcerated. The defense has been saving all their amo for their time in front of the judge during sentencing. They will plead a case for her to go to a hospital, and if she gets treatment, be rehabilitated for society. They will use the 10 months during which she was in a hospital as their evidence.

  2. The defence are not very likeable which will definitely go against them. Quite unprofessional at times. But I guess they are facing an uphill battle. No hope of success really. Too much evidence against their client. Continuing to object to everything is laughable.

  3. A snitch is different than being a liar, so are you saying he is telling the truth? Also how unprofessional and disrespectful can the defense be calling someone a “snitch”. Grow tf up you’re an adult, not a teenager.

  4. The defense lawyer’s continual (incorrect) assertions that he hasn’t been provided discovery is really starting to get old. “Oh we did get it, I just didn’t remember seeing it.” The prosecution isn’t at fault because you didn’t NOTICE what they gave you. I wish the judge would admonish him to be certain before he starts casting aspersions all over the place.

  5. Did Tammy & Chad work work full time? Tammy was the primary breadwinner and only made 15K/year! He only made 30K? How were they making it? Either they are making money off the books or the cost of living there is a fraction of what it is in Nashville. Our family would be hard pressed to survive on 50k .

  6. How do these people think they can give other people blessings???? It's just so crazy to me! Am I the only one who finds this whole blessing thing bizarre and weird??

  7. It's really not a good idea to commit offences on the grounds of spiritual understanding. These two are the worst kind of offenders, crackpots, the guy was trying to set up his own church where he could spout his crazy ideas. May Tammy and the children find peace in Heaven.

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