Lori Vallow Daybell’s friend, one of her family members, and a law enforcement officer testified in the “doomsday cult” triple murder trial Wednesday. The friend and family member talked about Daybell’s spiritual ideology and ‘odd’ religious beliefs. The “doomsday cult” mom is on trial for the murders of two of her children, Tylee Ryan and J.J. Vallow, along with her fifth husband’s late wife, Tammy Daybell.
#LoriVallowDaybell #ChadDaybell #LawAndCrime
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This is the most infuriating defense team I've ever seen in murder trial! I watched the OJ Simpson trial as it was happening and many other murder trials so that's saying something 😵💫. And the judge should have allowed cameras in the courtroom too. If I had started listening to this trial in real time, I probably would have just turned it off and followed the updates because this is just ridiculous🙄 I'm only watching it now in honor of JJ, Tylee and Tammy 😢🥺😞🙏
I sure wish someone would have told the JUDGE to talk into the mic better lol.
1:17:41 I’m sorry but how was that not badgering the witness?! Even if she did make it up how did they allow that level of harassment in court! That defense attorney sucks but he was made for Lori. They’re both monsters.
Also what is up with the judge? He was being decently fair until around day 13 but now it feels like he’s joined the defense counsel.
So Melanie's kids were next huh? I sure hope Brandon has full custody.
It makes me sad for humanity that people will fall for anyting. Atrocious things have always been done in the name of faith.
What I've been saying from the beginning is that these people that actually believe all of this are just so desperate to believe. They have had this Faith shoved down their throats since birth. They've been told you are supposed to believe have faith and never question. So when offered anything that may resemble proof they're so desperate to believe because they had these doubts. To feel like they didn't just believe for nothing. They want or need to have some kind of proof.
Okay the defense is not really helping Lorie by blaming everything on Chad because she still responsible for her actions and her children. But it does crack me up that he is attacking the LDS Faith. Oh yeah Jesus is going to come to Missouri. And Adam lived in Missouri. LOL
Since Lori and Chad are legally married are they able to communicate with one another via phone or letter while they are in prison??
This judge is awful.
Could someone please tell Skippy Thomas Defense atty to back off that mic!!!!! For the love of Pete!!!! 😂😂😂
So if the firearms cannot be handled by the jury, then why was the objection sustained by the judge concerning the photo of said firearm. Backwoods courts!!!SMH!😂
Mr, Archibald's voice is hypnotic, I think this is the first time I've seen the defense hijack control.
If Mr Thomas’ job is to drive everyone crazy, then he’s great at it.
Audrey was so obviously lying. Plus, the prosecutor knew she was going to say this as it was staged. This case is so cut and dry, it's disgusting that the prosecution would go to the level of staging a perjury event. This will be an opening for appeal. What idiots.
These mormans seem to live like nomads.
Then Procecutor is so sharp and on point! The defense guy… ugh… “I went to college” to the detective asking him about centimeters vs inches, embarrassing…
These Lori ex-groupies crack me up. What a bunch of conmen…I mean con-WOMEN. Of course, they are going to play the damaged, vulnerable, weak, meek little over-believer, empowered by Lori's love. "I am always kind…I have a big heart…I felt special…sniff sniff…" Give me a break.
These are no shrinking violets or wallflowers. They are dupers.
The defense is just trying to ask anything and everything unrelated to the trial because they want to create as much confusion as to Lorri’s involvement. The only way they can win is to confuse the jurors
I went to a catholic school my whole life. I dont go to church now or anything but in school when i did it wasn’t all this kinda stuff. This is extreme cult type stuff
Why are they arsing around with regards to the email sent by Tammy to her son , it was submitted into evidence so let it be read out
Can’t believe how religion dumbs people down to pre elementary level. Use your brain and common sense. Stop being a sheep. You can be religious and still use your brain fyi; just in case you forgot and needed some reassurance. 😉 Best of luck to you! Lol
Off topic, but how is Audrey single? She's a beautiful girl. I hope she finds a good man. I feel bad she was mixed up with these people & Chad manipulated her to be Lori's friend so that they can use her for their own evil needs.
I am a bit dismayed at all the criticism against others' beliefs. I live in the United States of America, where we are all free to practice (or not) any religion we choose. Just because two crazies decided to commit horrendous crimes, supposedly in the name of God does NOT make all religion and beliefs bad! I know Chad and Lori are not the norm of believers! Please be respectful of others.
This girl is timid as a mouse she’s not going to tell them she thinks they are a bunch of freaks, I would have told them all what I though, as would most confident women. They picked on her because she had already been brainwashed by their crazy religious
Imagine that, all the people who were in the way of them getting what they wanted were all possessed by evil spirits and needed to be murdered in order to save them.
When the defense lawyer asked for Alex Cox's additional internet searches, i immediately thought "Uh oh don't wanna go there". And boy was i right 😁
Do these people have jobs? Traveling everywhere? All this free time to "pray". Get a life people! You don't want to raise your kids give them up for adoption! Nuts!
Is she trying to look like an Afghan Hound or a Yorkie with that pulled up forehead ponytail? Everything about her is disturbing.
Chubby chad knew Audrey was naive and gullible and connected her to Lori to be groomed to join their cult maybe to become another wife I believe Lori was jealous and also angry with Audrey because she wasn’t as easily led as she first thought
I was wondering about the whole paintball gun thing, but it makes sense now. It just LOOKED like a paintball gun to her. I wonder what happened to his gun when he tried to shoot her. Maybe the cops would've figured it out sooner if thats how she died because that would be 2 shootings and 1 attempted shooting in the same group of people.
All the women in this case need to find some balls and grow up. They talk like babies
Lots of asked and answered questions
All that defense attorney does is Object to every single piece of evidence that State requests to be admitted/displayed to the court/jury. Talk about grasping at straws. Terrible!!
God these people are all whackos.
She’s the most “uncomfortable” person I know & I don’t believe her she’s sooooooo uncomfortable but traveled thousands of flight miles she could get a free round trip at this point OmG 🤦🏽♀️
Ohhhhh these pitiful peanut went to Hawaii with these ppl she’s so wrapped in fake crying & sobbing even the prosecutor is throwing shade… like bih you knew what was up Anita Faker
all these ppl are full of S. H. I. T. I don’t buy what they’re selling… she’s so emotional and knew NOTHING & First time for everything… End of the Friendship Blah Blah blah lying 🤥 mfs
IS they all crazy🤯?
This is like New Age Spirituality meets Reincarnation theory meets Mormon cult ideology meets silly deceived women.
I’ll stick to Sola Scriptura, thank you very much.
The judge is sides with defense all the time
All these women seem to have the same story, it was all new to them 🤔
They don’t wanna look like her, the truth is, they sat there and prayed along with her.
They knew and agreed with the zombies stuff also.
Seems they are just acting innocent, when they sure didn’t help any.
Melanie was next on the hit list and she KNEW it and felt it…..I hope their "scriptures" can get them out of prison… It's just amazing listening to these GROWN adults acting like children… It's like they're talking about a video game they're playing… Who would believe in this hooplah?
I'm sorry to say, but this woman talking is brainwashed as well… She sounds like she's hypnotized….lol
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