“Turn out the lights, the party is over,” Larry Woodcock sang when speaking with reporters about the conviction of Lori Vallow Daybell for the murders of her two children, J.J. Vallow and Tylee Ryan. Larry and his wife, Kay, are J.J. Vallow’s grandparents — the two have been in the courtroom almost every day throughout the “doomsday cult” mom murder trial. “The next trial is Chad,” Larry said. “I look forward to being at this courthouse again.”
#LawAndCrime #LoriVallowDaybell #DoomsdayCultMom
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We’ll be there with you Larry, what a great,great man, who could deny he’s one of the greatest grandpa’s on earth.✊♥️
Bless this sweet man! We love you grandpa Larry!
This whole case is sad, but especially JJ
Kate & Larry my heart goes out to you both being a gramma myself. Those babies with be with us again. Stay strong and never forget them. Xox
Just tragic, insane, human stupidity, the worst and most senseless case. 4 had to die and other indirect deaths and close calls.
Can Lori get the death penalty for the murder of her husband Charles Vallow?
I've been following this case from the beginning.. Hats off to everyone who work so hard to bring justice for the victims. Sending my prayers to JJ, Tylee, Tammy and to their amazing family. Much love from Indonesia.
Larry xoxoxo Kay
It would have been better if your Logo wasn't covering Kay's face
What a good and virtuous man he was for not only congratulating the prosecuting team, but also the defense.
They never ever gave up looking and fighting. I hope they can truly find some peace.
I sob every single time i hear this man speak. It truly breaks 💔 my heart. God bless this family in healing the best way they can.
Needs to be DEEP thorough exam of Chad's body. "Natural causes?? I don't think so. Check chemicals, foreign substances, murder by overdose… Will they find he did NOT die of natural causes! Not with her psyche
Isnt there anyone on Tylee's father's side of the family there for Tylee?
Was anyone there for Tammy?
The Woodcocks seem to be the only 2 people who are advocating for most of the deceased in this case. Where the heck is every one else?
Lori , when you look in the mirror and see your face the face of a 59 year old woman not 49? Do you still believe you are special? You don’t age? Yea ok and btw TAMMY AT 49 years old is still beautiful,you on the other hand your inside is showing on the outside , you just are not pretty, apparently you were wrong!
You're the man Jerry
This man and his wife are such blessings to this earth. They are THE REASON that this horrible woman and Satan reincarnate Chad, were forced to face their evil crimes and why their victims finally got the justice they deserved
Delusional or not how can you believe your religion wants you to murder your children and that's the "truth"? Absolutely evil psychopaths.
If not for Kay and Larry, I doubt people would have never known that JJ and Tylee were even missing. Chad and Lori were planning to put a slab of concrete over their bodies with a mobile home on top and live happily ever after. Just so sad that so many lives were changed.
3 more trials? I thought there were supposed to be only 2.
It's amazing how many people all over the world were invested in this case. I know more about this family than I do my own. I feel like Larry is a distant relative.
If I had to think what part of this travesty caught me and I couldn't let go was the manner in which those children died…and what fear they had to endure before leaving this earth.
There are so many pieces to this puzzle and questions still unanswered.
Thank God the jury used their common sense and logical thinking. Everyone did an amazing job as witnesses, LE, coroners, all kinds of specialists.
If course the prosecution was exemplar in being organised and professional and the judge very fair and humble.
I burst out crying when the charges were read. All I could see was little JJ and Tylee…Tylee knowing full well what was happening being in the center of evil.
I don't know what I hope for Lori. I don't think there's anything that would be satisfying enough. JJ having everything he knew and loved taken from him and then his head being completely duct taped in the end of his days stays with me and probably will for a long time. Solitary confinement would be the best thing for Lori. Absolutely no contact with anyone other than prison personnel.
The kids grandparents got a bit of justice and thank god for Kay being adamant in the search for those kids.
I thought the Arias case was the most evil in the manner of premeditated hateful, evil acts, but this one has to be at the top.
They would both deserve the death penalty.
The death penalty is an appropriate punishment for child killers.
Mr. and Mrs. Woodcock, JJ is watching out for you from above, as sure as he can feel your love for him🙏