Live Q&A – Lori Vallow Daybell ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Triple Murder Trial

Live Q&A – Lori Vallow Daybell ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Triple Murder Trial

Lori Vallow is on trial for the murders of her children J.J. and Tylee, along with Chad’s late wife Tammy Daybell.

#LoriVallowDaybell #ChadDaybell #LawAndCrime

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43 thoughts on “Live Q&A – Lori Vallow Daybell ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Triple Murder Trial

  1. I don’t think prison can affect her. She doesn’t seem to be living in reality. How can anyone go to Hawaii. Or, enjoy anything. If your children are missing. Much less, if you know they’re dead. I believe the lady might really believe she some sort of spiritual being.

  2. To keep in mind; she’s probably as guilty as sin, but with religious cults she’s probably also believing even NOW that she did the right thing but nobody gets it because they’re not enlightened. She views herself as a persecuted goddess. She may even have told the attorneys not to give a defense because she’s going as a “lamb to the slaughter”, which also explains her smirks for the past three-plus years. A fully deceived narcissistic religious zealot.

  3. Vile creatures.

    Sunbathing with her daughter charred beyond recognition, her little boy with defensive wounds bound in duct tape in his red pyjamas, and both buried in Chad's backyard.

    May Lori have a long, long life locked up in a concrete sh!tbox.

  4. Thank you for the Q&A. All the questions were questions on my mind!
    Lori's Husband Charles, Chad's wife Tammy, young responsible Tylee, and little lovable JJ all died due to two evil adult families. Knowing the way the two children's were murdered, knowing that the last faces they saw while they were painfully murdered were their closest families just breaks my heart. Please God, guide the jurors to the truth and evidence so that they may make the right verdict. Pray that justice will prevail so that the four lost souls may find some closure so that they may rest in peace.

  5. She is heartless and he’s such an evil d…head! I don’t believe in Capital Punishment but is it evil of me to wish that it had been on the table just for her to be scared? Do they really have a shred of genuine Christianity in their minds? I can’t see how they can. I am a Christian but the exposure of the abuses of different denominations of Christian Churches has caused me to reject what I refer to as organised religion. I know I speak for everyone on this site that I would rather die myself than allow my children to die but she lies in the sun and becomes irritated by her sojourn being interrupted.

  6. Why should the death penalty be off the table for lori she is deemed sane enough to stand trial as is Chad's why is the death penalty good for one and not the other?they are both convicted with the same charges think Lori's laughing is an act shes trying to play the get out of jail card, in my opinion she knows exactly what she did and what's going on so it seems to me she's using the 5th amendment here.

  7. Prison is nicer than County jail and I'm sure Lori will adapt just fine. Prison has classes and arts and crafts and physical activity and quite a bit more to offer and Lori is charming and a good hair stylist and she will find her following in prison and do just fine.
    I am a former social worker at juvenile parole worked in the juvenile State institution and my mother was a psychiatric social worker in the adult state prison so I say this with knowledge

  8. I find it hard to believe that Melanie (the niece) didn’t know what was going down given the attempt on her first husband’s life and the fact her children were labeled as possessed by storm boy.

  9. I think the hair on the duct tape is not going to be the "nail in the coffin" it's going to be a part of "reasonable doubt" it only proves that she was around the duct tape in their home. I'm really surprised only one hair was found…. I believe she is guilty, but didn't actually kill anyone, that's her loup hold!

  10. Theyre both guilty as Sin, he cut up Tylee, he said, Tylee didnt like him, he would take out his vengeance upon her, how absolutely DISGUSTING, were kids drugged, or just set upon by those two lunatics?

  11. They need to put the death penalty back on the table. We as taxpayers should never pay for her room and board.. I myself would feel better if the went to their Mormon heaven now.

  12. Chad was just being nervous, no way he could have been able to read anything from that angle, and Lori did not even acknowledge Chad being there even though the officer asked, Are you Chad & Lori ,..such a Goddess lol

  13. I don’t think the defense has been respectful but I love the state prosecutors. I love these trials and your thoughts afterwards. Thanks for bringing light to the problems in our society

  14. A couple of thoughts crossed my mind after seeing this. Mental health issues can run in families. I think Melanie could have some of the same issues as Lori. I think it is more than just drinking the Kool-Aid. It was too big of a risk to put her on the stand. I think the defense has shown enough hard evidence to convict, but I have seen juries come back hung because there was a holdout.

    I think Chad will take the plea bargain no matter what the outcome is. We have already seen that neither he nor Lori want to take responsibility for murder, but I doubt he wants to be executed. The evidence is overwhelming.

  15. People like Lori, when they believe what they are doing is the 'right thing', they can't be swayed, the phone calls from Colby and Summer prove that; Lori believes that what she did is justified; I'm hoping that she can't contact the outside world to have followers still continue their 'work'.

  16. For self perseveration reasons Lori needs to carry on with the belief that the kids were zombies to justify what she done, otherwise she would have to see herself as a cold bloody killer, in my opinion.

  17. I would love to know what was going through her head when they handed her those papers. I bet sheer panic but she held it together. Chad knows they are in his pet cemetery thinking no one would ever find them.

  18. I'm sorry, if Lori really believed all this then she would have said as much, I don't see any other excuse,, which is still not an excuse imo Then why didn't Lori take the stand saying her children WERE Zombies??

  19. I’ve been following this case since Jan 2020 when the kids were missing. I remember staying up trying to look at videos and reading as much as I could to figure out where the children where and who could be hiding them for Lori. It was just horrible not knowing what happened to JJ and Tylee and I’m a complete stranger and to see that video of Lori and Chad sunbathing without a care in the world to learn the children were dead that whole time sickens me. If nothing else it’s what she was not doing to find her children. She didn’t even file a missing persons report. Not one flyer not one plea to find her kids. She knew the whole time they were dead and buried in Chad’s yard. Justice needs to be served.

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