Letecia Stauch Trial: Ring Doorbell Shows Movements Before and After Gannon Stauch’s Murder

Letecia Stauch Trial: Ring Doorbell Shows Movements Before and After Gannon Stauch’s Murder

WATCH: Ring doorbell footage shows the movements that occurred at the home of Letecia Stauch before and after she allegedly murdered her stepson Gannon on January 27, 2020. Investigators said Stauch put his body in a suitcase and dumped it under a Florida bridge.

#LeteciaStauch #GannonStauch #LawAndCrime

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30 thoughts on “Letecia Stauch Trial: Ring Doorbell Shows Movements Before and After Gannon Stauch’s Murder

  1. I know the case is closed, she's been sentenced, but what was she doing driving to petco twice and just out all day doing nothing really?
    Did she give him the hydro, then drive around, hoping he would OD?
    Like what was the reason, especially for going to the location furthest away.
    I'm just really curious as to what actually happened.

  2. I remember when so many people were speculating on the Chris Watts murders, everyone said neighbor Nates security footage wouldn't be admisable in court, and it would never get played if his case went to trial. Well this is the same state and security footage is being played as evidence.

  3. Please everyone do whatever possible to ensue this woman is jailed and for life. Otherwise, I feel Gannon will never get his justice. So wish I could do something, partly because I believe she would always be a threat to society, and especially children. 💙💙💙💙💙 for Gannon, who was defenceless against this terrible monster

  4. she really thought she would get away with it?😂 cameras, smart phones, gps, vehicle trackers……lol! so glad she was caught! time for some prison justice!

  5. She, the evil person, appears to be very attentive during the viewing of these video clips.
    That precious boy, Gannon must've have been petrified on his last day. Poor baby…rest easy now 💙

  6. Aside from the sheer horror of this, I think what is most appalling is what type of spineless coward you must be to pick on/harm/injure/torture/murder a child.
    Even if you're batsh*t crazy (which she isn't).
    I know there are laws in place specific to murdering children under a certain age/seniors over a certain age but I think they need to be upgraded.
    There has to be harsher sentences for any of the above. We HAVE to protect children better.
    So as an example, you murder a child under, say, 13, you get minimum 40 years, irrespective of the circumstances.
    Murder a child under 7, you get life, no parole.

  7. I cant believe she hated a beautiful child and i bet it was because he loved his mom over her.. She probably won Laina over easy but Gannon was older. She wanted them to Glorify her over Landon. I bet she push Al to fight Landon for the kids to hurt her. Smh. Then did all that to that child from burning him, hitting him in the head with the wooden board to 18 punctures to gunshots. Thats a lot. 😢

  8. I can’t even begin to imagine what Gannon must of felt, knowing that he couldn’t trust Letecia. Poor little guy. He must’ve been so scared. I hope she rotts in jail.

  9. Hope LE learned from all of the mistakes they made on this case. I'm sure Gannon still wouldn't be alive, but he could have been found so much sooner had they checked her vehicle and her luggage when she was moving her things.

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