Letecia Stauch Prosecutor Urges Jury to Convict Accused Child Killer: ‘Only One Right Verdict’

Letecia Stauch Prosecutor Urges Jury to Convict Accused Child Killer: ‘Only One Right Verdict’

Prosecutor Dave Young wrapped up his closing argument by urging the jury to convict Letecia Stauch of all charges. “There’s only one right verdict,” Young said. “Guilty.” Stauch is on trial for killing her stepson Gannon.

#LeteciaStauch #GannonStauch #LawAndCrime

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33 thoughts on “Letecia Stauch Prosecutor Urges Jury to Convict Accused Child Killer: ‘Only One Right Verdict’

  1. I don’t understand how she didn’t think that a body inside of a suitcase wouldn’t be found under a bridge. As much work and activity is always conducted around bridge and construction work. Even boaters are always out there in that water i am glad someone located his remains and turned this case into a huge piece of evidence.

  2. Did anyone notice she told her daughter..tell them you seen him after the hike…instead of saying they want to ask u some questions, what you witnessed…bringing her daughter into her lies

  3. Ok yah only talk about the younger state attorney but thier was two good or 3 state attorney why everyone giving high five to the young attorney I think the older one he is and is the best why everyone all about the younger state attorney please explain to me he got dr Lewis in her lies but I only see yah giving one state attorney the love no this attorney did a great job not only the other young one yah giving him all the love all the state attorney did good job especially this older one please be fair he was on more then the young one it crazy

  4. So totally off subject, but at 17:00 minutes the prosecutor mentions Of Mice and Men. It just clicked that the reason the Abominable Snowman calls Bugs Bunny, George, is from that book!! He will love him and hold him and pet him forever and ever. Whoa, I really am A.D.D. this is where my brain goes during a murder trial. . . . .Squirrel!!!!! 😮 🌰 🐿

  5. Does anyone know if Letecia Stauch was actually a teacher or was she a teacher’s assistant? I also find it hard to believe she has a Phd. Most programs require extensive research and a post doc component. I am assuming it is all lies.

  6. She masterminded the whole operation with the only help of her dissociative personalities. I'm fascinated with how they were able to tell each other where the body was hidden, where they were going? Where did the other one leave the keys? What car were they using? Great coordination, ladies!

  7. If Letecia Stauch is found not guilty by reason of insanity and doesn't go to prison, then all murderers should go to a state mental hospital. They should just stop having trials. Send them all to a hospital. I know this sounds crazy but the entire trial has been a farce. She planned it, sent everyone on wild goose chases, sat back and gloated, while people were frantically searching. Took great pains to hide and disrespect that babys body. She's sick. She's evil. She's guilty of murder. Dr Lewis will be the "infamous" Dr Lewis from here on out.

  8. She’s so ME ME ME, that interview with the reporter is a real insight into her character. Gannon is an afterthought even while he’s missing. It’s all about ME ME ME and how wronged she has been 🤮

  9. I loved her words for Gannon when she gave her back-of-the-head interview; not that hes safe, not that hes missed, not that hes loved, not that everyone's waiting for him to come home, and are out there searching for him. But, that B wants her sincere apology. Period. Selfish to the core psychopath. She knew exactly what she was doing. Which also is another indicator shes not insane; she wouldnt let them film her face during that interview. She didnt want her expressions read

  10. All I can say is I’m sorry for Gannon 😢❤. I’m so sorry for Harley. I’m sure her life was horrific as well. For anyone who thinks bad about Harley, she was a complete victim as well. I’m sure she didn’t even think her own momma was capable of this, or maybe she was afraid for her own life 😢. This is so f’n tragic. I hope whatever God feels is what happens to her, happens. Justice for Gannon 💙🥹😢!

  11. It’s funny how she speaks to him in the past tense in some of the story. I think she said Gannon was such a good helper. Don’t quote me on it but she spoke about him in past tense. Hopefully the jury picks up on it. She actually said he was always so helpful.

  12. All we need now, is a hung jury🧐
    This has taken too long time, i mean,all
    the evidence are bullet proof and she confessed.
    She is guilty beyond all reasonable doubt.

    The only thing they have to do, is decide wheter she is legally insane or not.

    How much time do you need?

    The Murdaugh deliberation was under 3 hours.

    I find it very eerie that after 4 hours, the verdict is yet to come.

    There is no freakin' way that she is legally insane. And if the jury can't see that, the world has come to an end.

  13. Mr. Young's and Mr. Allen's closing arguments were fantastic! When LS called Landon from Gannon's phone after he went "missing," it was done to torture Landon even more. Poor Gannon and Landon!!!

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