During an interview with famous psychiatrist Dr. Dorothy Lewis, Letecia Stauch brought out of one her many personalities, Maria, who she said was the person that killed Gannon. Lewis is known for working with serial killers in the past, like Ted Bundy, to get an understanding of their brains. Stauch is currently on trial for the murder of her 11-year-old stepson, Gannon. She’s accused of killing him in Colorado then dumping his body in Florida.
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This audio is freaking terrible.
Audio sucks ugh I hate when that happens the court interrogation room people gotta do better ugh
The worst attempt at an accent I have ever heard in my life 😂😂
Letecia even wore her hair like a Russian furry hat.
I want to know how much this psychiatrist charged to take part in this crap. She should lose her license 🤬🤬
She’s not even a decent actress. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. She’s sat in that jail cell thinking up this bull💩 and can’t even act it out halfway decent enough to sound convincing. Everything is always going to be about her, no matter what she has to say or do to be the victim. Omg I would be willing to break the law if I could get locked up with this thing.
I want to hear from all the gullible people who actually believed the slightest bit of the 💩 she spewed.
She tried pulling her crazy out once while on the phone w her daughter and Harley was just like…umm ok, anyway.I think she was hoping her daughter would catch on and sympathize or something without having to say it on the prison phone-her daughter didn't go for it at all.
Where does Maria come out? I just can't make almost any of it out.
what an insult to this Dorothy otnow lewis, not a sign of these “personalities “ seen by Al. Harley, but suddenly she fakes it and gets to Pueblo Hospital yo eat chocolate cake and look forward to being cured & released. at least Dr torres & dr Grey saw right through this manipulative monster.
it’s illegal to lie under oath. in a court of law, Josh Tolini . you know full wwll what’s goin on here, “see whatmmm sayin”
I can’t decide who’s more mentally challenged, Leticia or Dr Lewis. Smh
How pathetic and embarrassing.. what a horrible liar and actress she is😂
her acting sux
😂This would be funny if a little boy hadn't lost his life to this monster. She thought she could outsmart everyone.
Worst Side Story
Oh yeah did anyone notice that Marie is Landen's middle name. Creepier! Wow!
It's official: she's a horrible person and a horrible actress.
She's not even a good actor. What a Pice of crap !
Save the act for the Mother's in prison I'm sure they will take care of you 🤣🤣🤣🤣
She tried EVERYTHING together out of this, no conscience whatsoever.
Where's the spanish accent?