Letecia Stauch Admits to Shooting Stepson Gannon, Didn’t Realize It Was Him

Letecia Stauch Admits to Shooting Stepson Gannon, Didn’t Realize It Was Him

During her insanity evaluation, accused stepson killer Letecia Stauch admitted to shooting Gannon, but did not realize it was him because she thought he was a “man in a black cape”, who had broken into her home.

#LeteciaStauch #GannonStauch #LawandCrime

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46 thoughts on “Letecia Stauch Admits to Shooting Stepson Gannon, Didn’t Realize It Was Him

  1. So she admits that she shot him 'by accident', thinking he was somebody else. So what then? She gets so angry at him for confusing her that she must beat and stab him now? And in her mind, she thinks she's convincing.

  2. I can’t make out a lot of what she’s saying and I’ve only seen one other short video. Is she saying there were a bunch of people in the house when she shot him and they helped carry his body out, and no one called 911 or took him to the hospital? And she didn’t realize it was Gannon because he was standing on the twin bed, appearing taller?

  3. She can't even sit up straight in court and keep her nasty greasy green head off of the table while the videos of her play. Just a nasty disrespectful monster.

  4. She's just a terrible liar. Her mother is complicit if she really knew and let that poor boy sit under that bridge. She deserved the needle, honestly. But I wonder if it's actually better that she live in prison and has to think about what she did every second of every day. But as a mother, I wound need an eye for an eye. I hope prison justice prevails. I don't know another person more worthy of it, other than Chris Watts and Casey Anthony.

  5. She has come up with 7 different scenarios all of which have been RIDICULOUS lies. Literally every far fetched story doesn’t even come close to aligning with the evidence. Im glad this crazy, evil grotesque woman will be in prison forever

  6. "….so, to me,..or ..to whomever I was.." 😮 This whole case is thee defonition of the word 'bizarre'. If it wasnt so incredibly tragic, so beyond belief cruel and sensless; her behavior, her antics would actually be "funny".
    R.I.P. little man. ❤❤❤ and prayers.

  7. She didn't even realize that if someone did dissociate or hallucinate. When you came to, you would be hysterical and would call the cops not knowing what even happened

  8. Nono here is what happened. This monster got sick with dealing with Ganon so she tried to poison him.
    He either discovered she was poisoning him or set her off. He tried to walk away from her but she bashed his head in and knocked it out. She dragged him to his bedroom and hoped he would die in his sleep.
    However, the boy was stronger than she expected. He woke up fought back and she either stabbed and shot him or shot and stabbed him to death.
    A selfish monster

  9. So she took G to GameStop and to a restaurant after she unalived him? Is this the reason why she got abuse of a body conviction? She would have been better off of driving G to a hospital.

  10. You ever see legally blonde when Reese is watching TV after the breakup eating chocolate and she throws it at the TV and screams liar that's what's popping in my head right now this monster I've listened to all of her jail calls her laughing and giggling acting like she's the smartest person in the room she's nothing but a liar

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