A Los Angeles-area podcaster fought off an alleged burglar in broad daylight just hours after $25,000 worth of gear was stolen from his mobile studio and it was all caught on camera. The Law&Crime Network’s Sam Goldberg discusses the incident with Daniel Lobell, the victim and host of “Modern Day Philosophers.”
Law&Crime After Hours Host:
Sam Goldberg: https://twitter.com/Sam_Goldberg814
Daniel Lobell: http://www.dannylobell.com/
His Podcast: https://apple.co/3o2NSmQ
GoFundMe To Rebuild Podcast Bus: https://bit.ly/44ZuWpS
#Burglary #CaughtOnCamera #LawAndCrime
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Just did a big boo boo at work today when I witnessed a guy riding a bike out the door without paying and ran after him outside. I realize now that I shouldn't have done that, as I didn't know if he had a weapon on him or not. Remains to be seen if I am fired or not.
You live in Cali and have no dogs in your yard should be a crime itself 🤦🏾♂️
Oh man sounds like a little ptsd. Hope he gets some help. Thieves are monsters. Don't realize or they do and don't care how violated they make us feel.
If you’re going to let just anyone use your stuff, vet them first. Name and address, etc. let the cops handle it!
Invest in a dog, security system or lock the bus. Don’t blame California FFS
Any insurance?
"im gonna shoot you and blow your brains out, but i dont have a gun because i live in California and they don't let law abiding citizens have guns but you criminals can have as many as you want." 😂
This is soooo messed up.. we gotta get this guy justice!
I am so sick of these people stealing from others who work hard for their money!
It’s 100 percent the guy. I blew up the images. Tattoo on right arm is a match
I hope you or the Police catch this guy and his coconspirator girlfriend. I hate that happened to you. You work hard for your stuff and some lazy, good for nothing thinks they're entitled to your belongings. I hope you get your stuff back and if not I hope your GoFundMe takes care of everything and then some!!!🙏 I'm a firm believer in KARMA, and that guys KARMA is going to come back and get him and his gf and/or his family in the worst way!!! You can count on that!!!
Two words i thought i would NEVER see together:
stay armed….
If you get in better shape you'll be able to fight better
I feel so bad for you, as a former victim of many thefts the only thing I can suggest is move from California. I had a very rough time doing so myself as I had a LOT of ties but its the best decision I ever made. I specifically moved to a place with no gun restrictions and where they actually put people away in prison for theft. The pelicans and insurance companies in Cali are more crooked than the thieves. Not blaming you my brother, for anything, but id start looking into it. for your sanity at the very least. God bless you brother.
Tony soprano? More Bobby Baccalieri
Peeped out this "podcasters" channel, last video has 65 views. 😵💫🫣
Not surprised this dude couldn’t defend himself and property. This is a weak individual. When you are weak you get targeted.
Thats just old jimmy coming for his reperations.
🤬🤬🤬. ❤❤❤🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 from South Africa🇿🇦
Vote Republican… They might not caudle you and ask about your feelings or let you play silly games for attention, BUT: They'll pass laws that'll help PROTECT you…and PUNISH the criminals instead. Time to WAKE UP @bluestatevoters!
Definitely looks like the same guy that was walking in front of the house. I have to say that he does look a little heavier in the footage of him wiping his fingerprints off the bus. Good luck to you.
Lies, He ran off scared as did the supposed thief and when he realised he'd gone, he came out with the chair realising what a coward he'd been. His natural reaction was flight, not fight which is fine but you've got to own it. Also don't expect insurance to pay for belongings that weren't secure! Lock your crap up when you live in a failed state!
If they want something, they'll find some way to get it. Doors locked or not
Keep fighting the insurance company-they expect folks to fold and give up. Hope all works out!
it's California! why didn't he just call the community organizers like instructed?
Man, this guy is going through it. My neighbor got robbed awhile back and he went through a whole rollercoaster of emotions just like this, obsessively trying to figure out who it was, thinking everyone was a suspect, interviewing neighbors. He asked me for video from my cameras, then accused me of breaking into his house because he thought I was being evasive when I didn’t come through with the footage fast enough for his liking, which lead to a short altercation before he came to his senses, realized he was being crazy, and apologized. But, given my video was literally the only evidence he had to go on, because apparently I’m the only person on the block with cameras, like this guy, he spent all of his free time obsessively watching the roughly 8 DAYS of footage I gave him, in like 15 second increments, just looking for any little bit of movement around his house or a car driving by suspiciously or a car he recognized. But, to his credit, by doing that, he was actually able to find the clip of the guy breaking into his house and due to the time and date, he was able to (kind of) narrow it down to a friend of a friend who knew he wasn’t home at the time and snuck away from the group, supposedly to break into his house while he knew no one was there. He was never able to find any solid evidence it was that guy, but there were just way too many coincidences surrounding that specific guy for it to not have been him… Make note of the serial numbers of expensive items and keep your cash locked up because once cash is gone, it’s gone and it’s not really traceable…
Isnt leftism lovely 👹🤡🌎
2 hours later, the cops have not been called?
It’s California criminals are celebrated.
That’s their culture. It’s cool to be a home invader or a jack boy. They think it makes them tough, until they’re taking that room temp challenge.
Well, he does have that green band tattoo on his upper right arm, something that is hard to conceal. Something the cops may want to know.
$25k in go fund me should covers his stolen equipment.