Kid Vanishes With Mom, Who Is Found Dead Of Suicide – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Kid Vanishes With Mom, Who Is Found Dead Of Suicide – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Timothy Pitzen’s mother pulled him out of school one day. He was never seen again.

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41 thoughts on “Kid Vanishes With Mom, Who Is Found Dead Of Suicide – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

  1. Something just don’t seem right. She had no history of mental health ? What happened between her and her husband that she wouldn’t feel safe with him being with his own father? Something isn’t adding up

  2. It's bad to speak ill of the dead but what a selfish mother to alienate the child from his father. It's not always about you ma'am, if you had wanted to end your life that's ultimately your decision but to drag your child into your mess to be petty is insane.

  3. I loathe parents who are so utterly selfish they take the child away from their father/ mother, leaving them terrified as to what’s happened to their child, and/ or those who kill that child. If you want out fine. But don’t make your child and it’s other parent suffer with you. I mean honestly, to give her boy away to complete a stranger. Not even letting her husband have him back. That will haunt him the rest of his life. Vile selfish, woman.

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