Timothy Pitzen’s mother pulled him out of school one day. He was never seen again.
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Timothy Pitzen’s mother pulled him out of school one day. He was never seen again.
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This might sound crazy but I been following this case for years. I feel like soon maybe with in 2 years or less he's going to pop up
That's what happens when you marry a piece of garbage
Am I the only one that thinks the dad looks like the mothers son rather than her estranged husband?
Rockford is such a poop show
Something just don’t seem right. She had no history of mental health ? What happened between her and her husband that she wouldn’t feel safe with him being with his own father? Something isn’t adding up
She most likely killed the child. So sad. Fine kill yourself but leave the kid out of it. It pains me for the father I can't imagine what it is like having no resolution.
Did they view the whole video of the hotel to see if someone else left with a kid???????
How is he not going yet????? Any news on this case
She even looks crazy. Poor kid.
This is February 2021 in the video is 3 years old.
I wonder if there are any updates
a child should always be happy
Timothy looks just like his dad
I feel like she killed him hid him than killed herself… So sad
He seems off
I could never hate any human to the point where I would kill my own child
It's bad to speak ill of the dead but what a selfish mother to alienate the child from his father. It's not always about you ma'am, if you had wanted to end your life that's ultimately your decision but to drag your child into your mess to be petty is insane.
I still dont understand why the mother hate the dad so much
I feel for the father, I can’t imagine how painful this has been for him.
Ok this is creepy 😬😳😰😱 why am I watching this at night 😐😬🤭😳
Does anyone notice or feel like this is strange, something doesn't seem right with the dad.
I would ask police to get. Physics they use to find missing people. There are. Really. Good physics. That law inforement use
He looks so familiar
Aurora, Illinois!
Things don’t look good for him to come home. 😢. What a horrible human being. Shamed to have her name.
I loathe parents who are so utterly selfish they take the child away from their father/ mother, leaving them terrified as to what’s happened to their child, and/ or those who kill that child. If you want out fine. But don’t make your child and it’s other parent suffer with you. I mean honestly, to give her boy away to complete a stranger. Not even letting her husband have him back. That will haunt him the rest of his life. Vile selfish, woman.
I'm the person who brought him to this world, he belongs to me and i have all rights to do what ever i want to do to him..
Why school give his mother the kid while he was staying with his father ,!? School should investigate
That lil boy dead
That woman was the epitome of an obsessed, selfish mother. What a POS!
I don’t think it’s suicide ,someone killed the mom,the husband
Wow the narrator has stopped shouting
So sad…she definitely killed this beautiful baby boy.
That Dad ain't right! He may have went to pick up his little boy and killed the mom and hid or killed the boy. Cant trust anyone these days
i rather to see a mother died alone not the baby boi.
Sometimes moms do that to protect their child from abuse. Js
0:18 his son harmonizing there is too cute! 🙂🎸 I hope he'll see his son again!
That sweet little boy. My heart goes out to him and his Dad. 🙁
The wife killed the boy out of spit of the husband. Hid the body so the husband will never have closure, cuz her son is hers. She's burning in hell. bitch bitch.
maybe the hotel staff member knows.
How could Amy do all this? It would've made sense if Timmothy's dad was threatening them, but we all know that's not what happened.