Crime Watch Daily’s Ana Garcia speaks with Ken Kratz, one of the lead prosecutors in the Steven Avery case, about his new book “Avery: The Case Against Steven Avery and What ‘Making a Murderer’ Gets Wrong.” Garcia also talks to Tom Fassbender, a former special agent, about the documentary “Making a Murderer.” Steven Avery of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin is currently in prison for the murder of Teresa Halbach after being exonerated for a previous sexual assault and attempted murder conviction.
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First the judge said, Steven killed her in the garage, thats the reason with no blood there, and later they say Brendan killed her in the room WTF Kratz is a Predator
Ken Kratz Is a Psycopath he was charged with sexual assault on a 17 year old girl after this aired… He is a sexual Predator aren't you Kratz?!!! we all know what you DID!!!
Ken should be setting a federal prison for 15 sexual complaints.While the state let him run free for 10 years until the press exposed him. Lock his ass up and hold the DOJ for not holding him accountable!
I don't know who killed Teresa halbach and disposed of her body. What I do know there are so many scumbags and bad actors on the prosecution side of the equation it's really hard to know.
too many of the cops that he was suing were involved in this case i don't think the cops that had put him in jail wrongfully before should have had anything to do with i have watched the making a murderer shows and there still to many questions left unanswered and there was a lot of odd goings on from the cops and how other were somehow related to the officer's from the first time and its odd that he needed to settle the wrongful conviction suit to fight the charges
Liars liars liars. Father Very made it clear he had shot that 22 all over the property. No surprise to find casings and fragments in the area. No bone fragments found on bullet. No blood in bedroom or garage. Kratz deserves the worst in life.
Kratz is not a sympathetic person, look at his eyes….. very cold
They cleaned the key because they were not sure who's dna was on it , just to frame steven. No wonder why there was theresa dna on it. Bullet fragments were found but no blood spatter? Most suspicious thing was the bones. Why to move bone fragments to three different places. And no pictures of the bones where they were found? Mr fastbender please explain. You didn't have a camera back then?
Fassbender … my dogs got more morals than that piece a shit cop ! 💩
It's amazing how the only find the evidence after the FBI had swept the place they must not do as good of a job as a local police department running a crime scene
None of this aged well
I love this channel but you guys are so bias it makes me sick.
Come one Crime watch daily. Can you come at storied like this with a bias free attitude
All these scum bags from this town should be put on death row
This woman voiced scum bag is one of the most evil conniving lying P.O.S. ot is so sad that they allow a scum bag like him to be anywhere near the justice system let alone be part of it.
Yeah, right. You guys are pathetic. One name- Kathleen Zellner. You're all POS
This is a compelling refutation of the Netflix show.
Good investigative journalism.
How can Krapz and these cops talk about integrity and doing the right thing? Amazing!
She was shot in the garage but their was no blood evidence, ya ok 🙄
Why there no DNA on Teresa’s car key!
Corrupt as hell kratz
What a dick
Shot in Head, but no blood anywhere… What The F***!
The Police Department took all the Proof from the real murderer, told him that he will be free if he is silent forever, bring and put the proof to averys property and so Avery was accused.
Why? To not pay the 36 Million Dollars to Avery.
That is the Point!
Brendon was only a silly puppet who talks shit because he wants to go home fast to playing PlayStation or something else.
Everything is so clear!!!!! Don’t understand how justice can be like this. Sad America
ken used to be a woman
Ken Kratz proved to be a dirty stalker of a vulnerable woman. How much more has never become known? Where there's smoke, there is fire. This man cannot be trusted. He should be in jail.
Ken Kratz is a disgusting, crooked person. Why would Steven put a body in the back of her car, to transport the body 5 mtrs? Kratz and Fassbender are liars who were too fucking lazy to look for the actual killer. Planted evidence, lies, made up stories and pig ignorance is all they had. I hope they go to fucking jail.
Ken you are a corrupt person Avery is inocente
fassbender stutters over the bullet explanation. oooo oh.
Kratz is so creepy😳😩🤮
Fun fact: Ken Kratz was representing a victim of domestic abuse (my friend's daughter) when he started sending explicit sexual messages to her. He was forced to resign in 2010.
Honestly? The first time I listened to Ken Kratz speak, I knew he was a piece of shit. Smarmy douche who was bullied as a kid. I firmly believe he is evil.
This is a man that cares about winning a case then doing whats right. Its not justice
Ken Kratz is a dirty little fat perv.
🖕 u kratz🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.
ratz you are dirty fucking lowlife filth