A California jury returned a guilty verdict for Danny Masterson on two of the three counts of forcible rape in his retrial Wednesday. The 47-year-old “That 70s Show” star now faces a maximum sentence of 30 years to life in state prison. The Law&Crime Daily team breaks down the verdict, compares both of his trials, and discusses what this means for the Church of Scientology, of which Masterson is a member.
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Scientology should have also gotten in trouble for knowing, hiding it and threatening victims and loved ones to keep them quiet. when are we getting rid of this bs religion
Justice is serve! Thank YOU! Scientology scared me so bad!
Was their any proof?
What's crazy is this guy is getting a sentence close to those who have done mass killings.
I’m wondering if he got all cheap hiring his attorney. I didn’t even know until today of this. Don’t know how I missed this. I’m sure he’s appeal will get him free.
This conviction makes me so sad. He was such a talented actor. I absolutely loved him on That 70s Show! His character was my favorite. He was so convincing in that role! I actually rooted for his character to grow up and be a good man. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to watch that show in quite the same way again. Masterson had so much potential. Now, due to a heinous act, he’s blown it all away. I hope he doesn’t end up with just a slap on the wrist. I hope he gets the book thrown at him for what he’s done.
Bro gonna have a ROUGH time in jail ! Cancel Christmas!
if you’re held in custody awaiting sentencing, that’s a sure sign you’re completely phucked.
The way i look at it is if Tom Mesereau can't get you off then you know he's guilty
Scientology knowingly covered up these rapes. Scientology knowingly covered up these rapes. Scientology knowingly covered up these rapes.
I looked up to him so much as a kid, i wanted to be just like him 😢
1:20 Suboptimal graphic.
Why is it this difficult to find the actual footage
Absolutely ridiculous verdict! Free Danny Masterson!
This man could have had everything, yet he reduced himself to lower than scum. Why is 99% of Hollywood like this? There must be a direct link to power, fame and corruption down to a DNA level for humans. We can't even trust ourselves anymore
What’s the evidence?
Aww look at the pair of them with their little rapey, scientologist coffees. Nwaah
How come danny materson didnt appeal his conviction i dont think hes broke nobody talking about him
Danny Masterson is innocent their no physical or dna evidence its just words or statements these women are lying they want his money the prosection just wanted a conviction badly he had the best lawyers i hope he gets out
I hope scientology never recovers from this
Wait. There was no proof the women were drugged, but this was allowed to be used as evidence?
The dupers delight smiles have been wiped off their faces.
Interesting this was all he said she said
And yet people are still talking about Cosby
Ya know I really liked him as an actor he was really funny but he always had an err about him that showed narcissism even in his acting or maybe I’m projecting cuz I knew about the charges and rumors fir many years ofc didn’t wanna believe but once it was staring me in the face I couldn’t deny it, so may justice come to everyone that suffered by his hand. God bless all the victims, sending love to everyone ❤❤❤ 10:22
Calm down He'll be fine. He looked so privileged everyday in the courthouse now he's getting some good loving from a guy named Big Bubba ^o^/
Incoming: massive civil lawsuit. It's a he said, she said. But now, there's a verdict. Anything he has is gandi
He’s innocent those dirty 304s. Men just can’t catch a break in the west. Why were they at his house? If women can’t be responsible then maybe certain freedoms should be taken from them
Honestly he does got the look. I've been to prison a few times and you can spot em a mile away.
Our world is messed. No wonder aliens don’t visit.
Well there ya go. The Cult of Insanity.
Being honest… If there was no civil case, this might be believable.
There is/was zero physical evidence of the crimes. It's she said he said 20+ years after the alleged incident… But oh, I want a few million please.
Please no hate, I remember following the case and there was no evidence. I am not a scientology. I am truly curious, what evidence did they find that he did this? Just because someone does drugs, that is not evidence that they drug someone. I truly just want the facts of what I am not seeing. Please no hate.
I will never watch 'That 70's Show' reruns again.. I can't look at it the same
Gonna lose the water tight seal on his o-ring.