Judge Sends Austin Ford to Prison for a Decade on Charges Related to Best Friend’s Murder

Judge Sends Austin Ford to Prison for a Decade on Charges Related to Best Friend’s Murder

On Wednesday, Judge Deborah R. Fluker sentenced Austin Ford on charges related to the murder of his best friend Tori Lang. Ford will spend ten years in prison followed by ten years of probation for concealing her death and theft by taking a motor vehicle and gun. Ford will not face a third trial for the murder of Lang. “I don’t know what could possibly provide closure to the family under any circumstance,” Judge Fluker said.

#AustinFord #MurderTrial #LawAndCrime

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40 thoughts on “Judge Sends Austin Ford to Prison for a Decade on Charges Related to Best Friend’s Murder

  1. They said she laid down and was shot. I think she wanted him to do it and I think he did. It was no struggle and yu can't believe she laid there and allowed him to shoot her unless she wanted it. He was wrong for doing it. He deserved prison because he knew better. I dont think he murdered her. He assisted her.

  2. People don't realize that if they sentence everyone for murder the prison would be way over pop and the people in that state paying taxes for them being there is going to get out of control thats way they lay these light sentences hope this helps 🙂

  3. He was facing life, and several other charges. Two trials were hung on top charge. But, he was sentenced to the others. Ten in prison and ten probation. That's not just getting off without anything. I don't think the comments are correct when people call for vigilante justice. She said he wasn't charged as a first time offender so he has to serve more time than not.

  4. I didn’t watch the trial. But it seems like Melly case. All these mistrials but they had to get him for something. Since they didn’t get him for the murder they got him with whatever they could.

  5. If he does know what happened it does reflect that he will not say. He does clearly state that he didn't do it. The defense attorney did great. He got off on all the major charges except hiding her death. With good behavior he should be out by 2030.

  6. What a joke!! Don’t understand how somebody could have that many court cases when you know he killed her. Why are criminals allowed to continue appealing instead of just going to jail and taking their sentence. I just don’t get it. When you kill somebody like that, you should go to jail. And no appeals I think it’s just a money grabbing court system. That’s my thoughts on all this BS.

  7. This judge always sounds like she’s about to start crying 🤔literally every case I’ve seen what she been overseeing she always sounds like she’s trying to hold back the tears 😭 😂

  8. Sad situations, sometimes our friends call us and ask us to do things that we know are wrong and that put us in bad situations, I truly believe this is one of those cases. only God and the people involved know what really happened. He will spend the rest of his life, thinking about what happened and his decisions. May God be with the family and bring peace to them. Amen

  9. 10 years is tuff. 2 mistrials speaks volumes . 24 jurors couldn’t agree. 5 years would of been fair. It’s 1-10. Is the range . 10 years for concealing death? People with manslaughter gets less then that. 5 years and 10 probation fits .

  10. If you could kill your best friend then you were never really that person's friend. Best friends are like siblings, family, it comes from the heart, love! I can't imagine hurting someone forever that I love!

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