Jaycee Wasso, 25, was convicted for helping Lin Helena Halfon, 29, cheat Florida businessman Richard Rappaport, 80, out of his money. The psychic scammer was found guilty of organized fraud, conspiracy to commit grand theft of property, structuring transactions to evade reporting requirements, and six other counts of theft. The judge sentenced her to nine and half years in prison with 15 years of probation upon release and banned her from fortune telling.
#JayceeWasso #Psychic #LawAndCrime
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9 and a half years. She should not have gotten any credit for time spent behind bars and be made to serve the full 9 1/2 years in my view
this was, long overdue
😂 8 years of prison time to serve, a bunch of probation and financially, her arse is the state's for the rest of her miserable life.
I wonder why she couldn't foretell her own future.
these people are all frauds. they're called gypsys. we have a big colony of them in my area. this is generational fraud. the mothers teach their girls to do this and the men are usually scammers thru shady businesses, tree cutting, driveway paving, ect. we all know to keep away from them
Welll duh why didn’t she see this coming lol 😂
She better be getting the best job in prison for that 9 1/2 years as she’ll be paying the rest of her life at $1.78 a day for a full days prison daily work. Maybe she can start a hustle in prison for her not so fortunate telling business to pay down that restitution.
Oh i forget ..im a gypsy.
I think they should have arrested her husband as well. He was in on it. There gypsies; thats what they do. Con, steal , cheat, and there great at it. I think it was too many years that was ridiculous…
I wish child predators would get a sentence similar or worse…
They're all scammets,especially the ppl that locked her up..They all crooks..💯
I wonder if the familiar spirits a.k.a demons told her she was gonna get locked up
Great judge, threw the book at her👍🏻 for those saying this sentence is disproportionate to other crimes I can only say our judicial system is broken. DUI homicides should carry a 25 year to life sentence and murder 1st and 2nd degree should be life. And that means life, not parole after 15 years. We’d have a lot less crime if punishment was severe. Just my opinion.
Concurrent really wtf
Ahhh your future looks dark and broke.. enjoy your rot
Took 3 minutes for “Florida” to come out, but it’s no surprise.
They are all scammers.
Yeah they need to throw these priests and ministers who live in million dollar homes and asking the poor for money they need to be thrown in jail just as much as her
Did she psychically see this coming 🤔 😂
Can some one explain to me please what did she scam for ?
"You saw a opportunity and took it" lmfao man this world is f$%&* up people in power seize opportunities daily in worst ways. Way worst. I mean she deseves some punishment for sure but the government, big corporations commit crimes all the time, the hypocrisy here is great.
It’s not justice for her to be jailed for something that’s not harmful
She’s not harming anyone.
I feel sorry for her and would defend her, there are people out there who would help you! Reach out! Especially in this situation because she’s the innocent one. She should not get jailed. The sentence is too harsh. The system is not justice !!