Judge Jumps Into Courtroom Tussle, Helps Restrain Defendant – Crime Watch Daily

Judge Jumps Into Courtroom Tussle, Helps Restrain Defendant – Crime Watch Daily

The saying “Here Comes the Judge” took on a whole new meaning in Michigan judge John McBain’s courtroom. That’s because after a defendant became aggressive, Judge McBain decided to hop off the bench and get involved. It was a decision that would go viral instantly, and turn McBain into a national hero.

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48 thoughts on “Judge Jumps Into Courtroom Tussle, Helps Restrain Defendant – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Judge McBain absolutely did the right thing. he went above & beyond his duties to help keep the woman safe and keep the situation from getting even more out of hand. to those who say that he "overstepped"….what was he supposed to do? stand by and do nothing while the guy was actively trying to resist arrest? do nothing and risk the woman's safety in the courtroom?

  2. It isn’t the first time judge John Mcdain went viral he was famous for confronting the defendant Kamia Gant for stabbing her boyfriend and being rude to the family’s

  3. Judge John McBain is one if a kind. I’m sincerely hoping that she has been able to escape the stalker & move on with her life- because this stalker is as dangerous as they come

  4. love this judge. but why is the woman seated so close to the stalker? with no one near her in case he wants to attack her. AND WHY DOESN'T SHE JUST TELL HIM "LEAVE ME ALONE". i'm not saying he will…but he asks her a ton of times. look him in his face and say 'LEAVE ME ALONE'!!!! i hope he got the book thrown at him at his next trial.

  5. how pathetic of a loser u have to be to have that kinda mentality? in bis lil mind he still thinks she is playing "hard to get".
    now good luck defending ur ass virginity in prison. also better learn deep throating now cz if u can't deep throat those BBDs jn prison r gonna beat the shit outta ur ass

  6. Why are there people like this idiot in the world? They ignore all the warnings and prior punishments and just continue to get themselves into trouble like this?

  7. don’t y’all think it’s also a lil sus that she literally didn’t tell him to leave her alone in that courtroom? in no way am i defending this dude but i had a buddy who got screwed over by something like this but the woman made it very one sided and left out mad details of her still instigating and prolonging the issue, glad the girls safe tho!

  8. I don't understand all the praise and people saying he is tough when he originally sentenced the man to only 3 days in jail. Had the man not said anything, he would have only gotten 3 days in jail and would have been back out on the street to do something worse than stalking.

  9. A psychological evaluation would really help. In Utah, they have a seperate court for those who violate the law and have mental illness. Their probation includes; psychological evaluation, counseling, medication & weekly appearances in court to evaluate how things are going. It was crucial in the case I was involved in. The DA wanted to give him probation.
    I told him the defendant has mental issues that contributed to his breaking the law. That's when
    I learned about mental health court. It turned out to be the best decision of all.😇

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